gabe stewart considers the life-enhancing benefit of living life in the shades

The world's gone colour crazy with thousands to choose from. Supremely confident paintbrush addicts may not be put off by the varieties, but for some, there's just too much choice.

Yes, there are new trends to inspire you - hot summer colours such as sizzling pinks, zesty greens and bright blues, clean subminimalist yellows and white, exotic colours such as turquoise, reds, deep pinks, purples and oranges, especially when teamed with Latino shades of dark yellow, avocado, terracotta, blue and mauve and new paints with metallic sheens.

Or, says astrologer to the stars Jonathan Cainer, you can match colours to birth sign elements. Earth signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn should feel at home with naturals such as creams, greens and browns with flowery bright spots of colour. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are air signs who love light, bright airy spaces and white minimalism, shot through with palest blue, silver and even midnight blue or black.

Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will soak up all the watery shades of blues, greens and even greys, of course, as well as the odd colourful flash of a tropical fish tail. Fiery extroverts Aries, Leo and Sagittarius love bold yellows, strong reds, dramatic blacks and flamboyant oranges teamed with anything a bit outrageous.

However, colour therapist Alison Demarco firmly believes people shouldn not feel limited in their experience of colour.

''Everyone should be able to experience all colours and the reactions that they may present to them. Usually when we want a new colour in our home, we want to experience the energy that that colour gives off. If we know the psychology of colour we can use it to enhance our well-being.''

Colour certainly affects body and mind. Blue lowers blood pressure while red increases it. Prisoners and prison staff put into a red room begin to argue and bicker, while the same set of people in a pink room become a lot more calm and are less prone to violence.

Demarco says that everybody resonates with their own aura fingertip colour. ''There may be one specific colour you use more frequently in your wardrobe or in your home. Then there'll be one colour that describes you. But the one colour that you resonate with might be different from the colours that you might wear. So it's not a simple case of if you're red, you paint red everywhere.

''For example, if clients of mine had an area where their relationships weren't working we could look at why. If they were arguing all the time and I found out their lounge was red, I might suggest they do something about that.''

Demarco threw out the rule book when she decided to paint her bedroom in her favourite colours - yellow, with a beautiful terracotta wash over it.

''Someone said to me: 'I thought you were a colour therapist, you'll never sleep in it'. But the colours are feeding me at the moment, I absolutely adore it. Your wouldn't normally use such uplifting colours in a bedroom. But by the time I get to bed, I'm already exhausted and have no problem sleeping. When I wake up and I see these wonderful colours I think: 'Yes, I'm awake'. I used to growl, now I sing and chirp.''

I tell Demarco that I've been wanting to redecorate my kitchen in Mexican colours such as vivid oranges and greens and lilacs, but I'm scared of getting it wrong. So far in our new house we've stuck with variations on the same theme - my safe colours of blue and yellow - but it's beginning to feel a bit stagnant.

''Painting your kitchen in a Mexican style would bring in orange and turquoise, whereas at the moment blues are analytical and stable indicating an ''I want to do it right'' mentality. Taking that Mexican step is taking a step into creativity and energy with orange, and spontaneity with turquoise.

''Orange is the daredevil, it is freedom, turquoise is about expression of the emotions in a sensitive and caring manner. Motivating colours such as oranges and yellows will help you out of any stagnant patch.''

To get the bathroom right you must determine your lifestyle - showers in morning or baths in the evening? If you want to be woken up, you need colours to stimulate, but not over-stimulate.

A stressed-out businessperson faced with red in the morning will end up going to work even more stressed. ''Bringing in turquoises and blues would give them energy more gently,'' says Demarco. ''But if the main thing is to get motivated in the mornings then we're looking at bringing in energy of higher range colours such as yellows, oranges and really bright, vibrant colours.''

To relax in the evenings, mood enhancers such as purple and lilac are calming, along with pinks, peaches or pale blues. ''You can be creative with candleholders and bring in darker colours such as violets or blues or greens.

''I once did a bathroom that was yellow and green and pine and brass, but you'd need to keep the yellow toned down for evening. And some people don't like green, which has a lot to do with the heart area and the expression of emotions.

''It's all a matter of working with what colours that person resonates with. Often we tell a person to imagine himself or herself relaxing and ask what colours are they seeing. Using either candlelight or dimmer switches helps, but remember there are some colours you can't dim, such as bright, bright oranges.

The only colour combination Demarco expresses any doubt about is black and red. ''Those base chakra colours are all to do with power and control, which is fine in the bedroom where sexual passion has a home,'' says Demarco, ''but perhaps not in the living room with your in-laws.''

Alison Demarco 01968 678789