Hibs manager Alex McLeish will move in the next few weeks to keep Trinidadian international midfielder Russell Latapy at Easter Road.

The fans' favourite is out of contract at the end of the season and is certain to attract interest from a host of clubs down south.

However, McLeish is desperate to keep Latapy, capped more than 100 times for Trinidad, in Leith.

He also revealed to share- holders at last night's club annual meeting that he has already spoken with the player in a bid to ensure his prized asset does not leave.

Since signing for the club, in 1998, Latapy, who has hit five goals already in the SPL this term, has become a cut hero at the club, winning the First Division Player of the Year in 1999, and re-signing him would be seen as a massive coup for McLeish.

Last night McLeish disclosed: ''It is the last year of Russell's contract and we will be looking to talk to him about staying.

''I have already told him I want him to stay and have paved the way for him. I will also be hurrying him along before January.

''All he needs to do now is arrange a meeting with Rod Petrie, our managing director.''

Commenting on the necessity to keep Latapy at Easter Road, the Mcleish added: ''We know what he can do and to lose him in certain games would make things more difficult for us.''

The annual meeting passed smoothly, with the club sitting second top of the SPL and the club's annual accounts for the year, ending July 31st 2000, showing a healthy #222,000 pre-tax profit.

Chairman Malcolm McPherson warned, however, that the implications of potential EU legislation on abolition of transfer fees could see them abandon plans for a youth academy.

Earlier this year, the Hibs board announced a blueprint for a youth academy and first-team training facility in conjunction with Midlothian Council, at Vogrie Country Park in Dalkeith.

However, Bosman II could hit the club's plans, with massive implications for youth development should the commission rule out transfers after December 31, 2000.

McPherson stated the club could pull the plug on the academy if Bosman II becomes reality.

He said: ''Bosman II is causing us extreme concern and there would be no purpose in rearing youngsters at the cost of thousands of pounds each if they were able to leave at a month's notice.

''However, things are beginning to look better on Bosman II because of the intervention of political figures.''