I don't often thank my son for surfing the net at my expense but if he hadn't been doing so recently, I would probably never have discovered Eric Thoreau's visitors' guide to Glasgow: Glasgow, Le Kit de Survie. Thoreau's compact ''survival kit'' is gorgeous to look at, quick to load, and easy to access, and, despite being in French, is probably the best guide to Glasgow on the internet - in any language - and is certainly the one which presents the city at its most attractive and vibrant.

Thoreau, a 28-year-old computer expert from Paris, arrived in Scotland in April last year to take up a 14-month post at IBM in Greenock. Among the European group that he arrived with was a fellow Parisien, Fabien, and the two decided to rent a flat together in the West End of Glasgow.

As Thoreau (who speaks perfect English) admitted, he knew nothing of the city at

that time although his mother had spent some time in Aberdeen in her youth and was ''totally excited'' that he was coming to Scotland.

He explained: ''Many IBM employees on temporary contracts live in Largs but neither Fabien - who I had never met before - nor I liked the idea of working and socialising with the same small group of people.''

Thoreau, a history graduate, continued: ''Once we got settled in an apartment, I started going out on my bike with my camera at the weekends to take photographs of Glasgow which, I quickly discovered, has some really nice buildings.

''At the same time, I was on the internet a lot and surfing around because of my job and I saw that, although there were plenty of sites for Glasgow in English, there was pretty much nothing in French.

''Instead of sitting inside watching television when I had time off, I decided really to explore the city and then

create the kind of website

that would be useful to

other French people either already in Glasgow or thinking of coming here.''

Thoreau's resulting website (www.chez.com/go2glasgow), presented in classy shades of blue with very attractive graphics, took about two months to set up. His simple, compact ''survival kit'' has six major headings: the essentials, the city in pictures, going out, shopping, Edinburgh, and web links, illustrated with the Frenchman's excellent photographs, the best of which were taken at night.

The site includes useful maps and travel tips with links to train timetables, what's on guides and tourist and council offices. There's an upbeat, potted history of the city, a page on ''Le Foot'' - researched by Fabien who, unlike Eric, knows about football - with links to both Rangers and Celtic websites and an introduction to ''Le Barras'', a favourite haunt of Thoreau's which he describes as: ''Like a souk, only the prices aren't negotiable.''

He liked the Glasgow club scene even more. Initially explored on the grounds that it was necessary for the website, Thoreau and flatmate Fabien, who discovered they had the same taste in techno and electronic music, soon became addicted to nightlife in the city and ended up trying out every club in Glasgow ''at least once''. (Much to the surprise of his chums - and girlfriend - back in France where he had previously visited ''maybe 10 clubs in my whole life''.)

On his website, Thoreau describes bouncers (''les videurs'') at the city's clubs as ''generally very polite'' but warns that the customer selection process at the door of the chic Tunnel club is ''drastique''. Having been turned back three times, himself, before gaining entry, he advises visitors to ''Sapez vous!'' which is French for ''put on your trendiest gear'', apparently.

Where eating out is concerned, it would have been no surprise if the French author of an internet guide to Glasgow had been less than complimentary about food in the city. However, Eric Thoreau is vegetarian and was more than happy with our cafes

and restaurants, describing

his small selection as

''tres sympa'' with an ''ambiance chaleureuse''. He even hints that French chefs might have something to learn from the Scots.

Le Kit de Survie offers direct links to more than a dozen other websites including the city's universities, art school, Royal Concert Hall, and local weather forecasts.

Thoreau doesn't waste much time on Edinburgh where, ignoring the castle,

he advises day trippers

not to miss the chance of

a walk up and around Arthur's Seat.

Although he launched the site in April this year, it was some weeks before French Yahoo agreed to register it.

''You need to get your website accepted by a search engine,'' he explains, ''because otherwise people will only find it by accident or friends will visit it to be polite.

''Now I'm getting between five and 10 hits a day which is pretty good.''

Eric Thoreau has been back in Paris since June and

has yet to visit a nightclub. Fabien, however, is staying

on in Glasgow and will be

able to help keep the

website up-to-date as will anyone who cares to visit www.chez.com/go2glasgow where they can e-mail comments and suggestions in French or English.