Kamiku Isshiki, Friday.

JAPANESE police raided a large complex of the Aum Shinri Kyo sect in

this village west of Tokyo for a third successive day today.

Television reports said police also raided the Osaka branch office of

the Aum Shinri Kyo (Supreme Truth sect) in western Japan.

Yesterday a thousand police in chemical-warfare gear mounted a second

raid on a hideaway of the secretive religious sect and found ingredients

for the nerve gas used in the deadly attack on Tokyo's underground.

Police called off their search of the complex in the small village of

Kamiku Isshiki yesterday because the chemicals were so dangerous, but

had said they would return.

The horrific attack on the underground system killed 10 people and

injured 5500, and police sources confirmed yesterday that the sect was

suspected of being involved.

Police said they seized sodium fluoride and phosphorus trichloride --

both ingredients of the nerve gas sarin -- in a second day of raids on

the complex at the foot of Mount Fuji.

The sect has denied involvement in the gas attack and has accused the

government of framing it. A sect spokesman said the chemicals were not

used to make lethal gases but for welding and processing computer chips.

However Hidenori Watanabe, a chemistry professor at Tokyo University,

said: ''The discovery of these two chemicals greatly increases chances

they were trying to produce or already had produced sarin. The two

substances are the main ingredients of sarin.''

The Kamiku Isshiki complex includes several groups of coarse

prefabricated buildings, some made of corrugated metal and some of blue


The building nearest to the entrance has a sign in English: ''Welcome


Police said they found huge amounts of other dangerous chemicals such

as cyanide compounds, packed in heavy-duty paper, some of which were

ripped open.

The bags were too dangerous to move so police suspended the raid until

army chemical experts could be called in.

Loads of blue plastic canisters and piles of rubble could be seen

yesterday, along with building materials including steel girders, which

sect members apparently used to build a crude barricade on Tuesday night

before the first raid.

The search proceeded without resistance. Some followers, with shaved

heads, stood watching the police.--Reuter.