THE Foreign Office says parts of a new US law tightening Washington's economic embargo of Cuba are unacceptable because they would hamper British business.

The law, signed by President Bill Clinton after Havana shot down two civilian planes last month, would allow Cuban-Americans to sue foreign companies in US courts for trading from property acquired legally under Cuban law. The Foreign Office spokesman said this would give US courts powers over the activities of non-American companies outside the United States.

Quake strikes

MEXICO CITY: An earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale shook Mexico City yesterday, triggering the seismic warning system. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Shop plan halted

WARSAW: The Polish government has launched an inquiry into local council plans to build a shopping centre near the former Nazi death camp at Auschwitz and ordered work on the site suspended until a report was issued.

Disease spreads

OUAGADOUGOU: A two-month epidemic of meningitis has killed 722 people in Burkina Faso, with 8252 cases reported. The disease has also hit Nigeria and Niger in West Africa.

Clarke visits

JOHANNESBURG: Chancellor Kenneth Clarke is due in South Africa tomorrow at the start of a six-day visit in which he will meet senior government figures and captains of industry.

Fans rampage

BUENOS AIRES: Argentinian youths rampaged through a shopping mall in Buenos Aires after failing to get ticks for a concert by the US rock band, the Ramones. Eight people were hurt and 14 arrested.

Rabies kills 12

QUITO: Ecuadoran health officials declared a state of emergency in eight provinces after 12 people died of rabies. Plans were being made to kill cats and dogs found in the streets.

Rustling deaths

NAIROBI: Thirty-eight people were killed in a gun battle between Kenyan police officers and Ethiopian cattle rustlers in northern Kenya.

Reward offered

WASHINGTON: The US has offered a reward of up to #1.3m for information leading to the recapture of a Palestinian hijacker of the Achille Lauro cruise ship. Magied al-Molqi escaped while on leave from a prison in Italy.