A YOUNG climber who left to get aid for three colleagues was found dead yesterday on Skye.

Mr Liam Wilson's body was at the foot of a cliff. Footprints to the edge were seen from the air.

His three friends were all able to climb down from 3167ft Sgurr nan Gillean early yesterday.

Seventeen rescuers from Skye Mountain Rescue Team, helped by a helicopter from RAF Lossiemouth, searched the Cuillins for Mr Wilson, 23, of Billingham, Cleveland.

The climbing shop assistant had left his friends after darkness fell to try to find a way down from near the summit after a fierce snowstorm had pinned them down.

Those who survived were Ms Rachel Kennedy, 24, a doctor; Mr Alastair Ross, 23, a climbing instructor; and Mr Jason Preston, 22, a student, all from Middlesbrough.

Yesterday, Mr Preston described Mr Walker as an experienced climber. He said: ``Jason went off on his own to raise the alarm but, in the end, we made it down alone.''

The friends had been climbing together for seven years. They were two days into a week's holiday.

They survived the night by digging a snowhole and huddling together to keep warm. They ate chocolate and boiled snow to make tea.

Mr Wilson was the fourth person to die in the Scottish mountains since January 1.