A DIRECTOR of knitwear company Pringle will be closely questioned by

civic leaders today over the decision to close the firm's Arbroath

factory with the loss of 221 jobs.

Local politicians have criticised Pringle for giving no warning of

last week's closure announcement.

Dawson International plc, which owns Pringle, made the decision as

part of a jobs cutting exercise across Scotland.

Arbroath already suffers an unemployment rate of nearly 15%, the

highest in Tayside.

The Tayside Major Redundancies Response Group will meet Mr Stewart

Raeburn, a director at Pringle of Scotland, to discuss the situation.

Mr John Dorward, Tayside region's convener of economic development,

said: ''It is vital that all the relevant agencies meet the company and

discuss how best to proceed in the interest of those whose livelihoods

are being affected.

He added: ''I am anxious to enter into negotiations which could be of

use to the workers affected by this announcement.''

Mr Raeburn said: ''We are happy to support this initiative in meeting

the Tayside Response Group.''

The managing director and chairman of the company are unable to attend

the meeting. But Mr Raeburn added they ''will take a keen interest in

the discussions and their outcome''.

Mr Raeburn will be asked to explain the background to the closure


The local MP, Mr Andrew Welsh, will meet Scottish Industry Minister

George Kynoch next Monday to discuss the closure.