WITH only a few weeks left until the closing date for entries to the

1995 Renfrewshire Business Awards, one company looking to add to its

already well-stocked trophy cabinet is Peak Scientific, an industrial

air compressor distributor based in Paisley on a trading estate off the


In only two years its 30-year-old managing director, Robin MacGeachy,

has turned the family business into the third largest distributor of

high-purity gas generators in the world.

When Robin MacGeachy was handed the reins of the company by his father

he foresaw an explosion of activity within the field of laboratory

gases, and steered Peak Scientific into pole position to take advantage

of the ensuing scramble to have gases supplied in generator form rather

than from cylinders.

He explains: ''We realised that the market could become large and to

that end we embarked on a mission to appoint distributors of our product

throughout the world. The response was amazing and we were in the

fortunate position of having to decide which distributor to appoint from

11 companies in Taiwan, three in India, five in Korea and many more in


''It was vital to ensure distributors of our product were good quality

companies and we did a lot of groundwork with them before taking them on

board. To date we have appointed 62 distributors world-wide.''

The company's balance sheet reflects the vast expansion in its

business. During the two-year period with MacGeachy at the helm, Peak

Scientific increased its turnover from #150,000 to the present #2m per

annum. The projection for the millennium is that the Paisley company

will continue this growth.

Peak Scientific has already enjoyed considerable success in a number

of business competitions, including runner-up in the Scottish Marketing

Awards and has indicated its desire to enter two categories in the

up-and-coming Renfrewshire Business Awards on May 25 in Paisley.

The local enterprise company has a close relationship with Peak

Scientific and is currently seconding a business development executive

to provide management support. Renfrewshire Enterprise has also

engineered the placement of four graduates within the company, three of

whom have gone on to become full-time members of staff.

However, the next three months will record a period of even greater

change when Peak Scientific begins production of its own hydrogen


Robin MacGeachy adds: ''For some time we have been working towards

establishing a manufacturing base at Paisley. We see this as a logical

development of the distribution side of our business and will allow us

to provide a better quality product, cheaper than that of our

competitors, to our customers.''

The move into manufacturing will see the 20-strong workforce increase

by four initially, and also herald a move to a bigger facility.

For Robin MacGeachy, the man driving the company through the

transition, it'll be a case of keeping his passport at the ready. Last

year he spent around five months out of the country. This year's diary

looks pretty hectic as well.