A SURPRISE candidate emerged in the Perth and Kinross by-election

yesterday, when a rogue ''Scottish CONSERVATORY and Unionist'' candidate

lodged nomination papers.

Disillusioned Tory businessman Michael Halford, 46, entered the fray

with a description designed to split the already diminishing Tory vote.

Mr Halford, 46, said last night: ''I am disgusted at the Conservative

Party sending a boy to do a man's job in Perth and Kinross.''

Mr Halford, a publican from Dundee, disclosed details of a manifesto

which includes the local umemployed acting as beaters on the Perth and

Kinross grouse moors.

Last night, a Scottish Conservatives' spokesman said: ''The presence

of a fringe candidate calling himself a Scottish Conservatory and

Unionist represents a blatant spoiling tactic.''

Nine candidates had their nominations accepted for the Perth & Kinross

by-election at the close of nominations yesterday.

They are: Douglas Alexander (Lab); Gary Black (Natural Law Party);

Roseanna Cunningham (SNP); John Godfrey (Con.); Michael Halford

(Scottish Conservatory and Unionist); Robin Harper (Scottish Green

Party); Vivian Linacre (UK Independence Party); Veronica Linklater

(Scottish Liberal Democrat); Lord David Sutch (Official Monster Munch

Raving Looney Party).