Washington, Wednesday

A TOP Republican politican pleaded guilty today to conspiring to

violate United States sanctions against Libya imposed over Lockerbie.

Charles Wade, 57, of Kentucky, admitted he accepted #384,000 in 1992

from Libya in exchange for attempting to influence US Government policy

and to have the economic sanctions lifted.

The sanctions were imposed after Libya refused to surrender for trial

two Libyans who have been charged in the bombing, which caused 270


Wade, the former Kentucky state Republican Party director, admitted

meeting New York businessman William Bodine, Libyan Government

officials, and others in Libya and Europe, prosecutors said.

He also agreed to contact high-ranking Bush administration officials

on behalf of Libya for a #5.3m annual fee.

The payment that Libya made to Wade had been funnelled through several

dummy companies the conspirators set up in Geneva and the British Virgin

Islands to disguise the source of the funds, they said.

Wade faces up to five years in prison for violating the Libyan

sanctions regulations, plus a fine of up to twice his gross gain from

the conspiracy. He will be sentenced in October.--Reuter.