FROM a fleet of 40 it was only the stalwart supporters of the race or those with an overall prize in their sights who went on to complete the second leg of the annual Tobermory Race.

While the classic 12-15 knot conditions brought home the main body of the fleet on Monday evening, it switched off suddenly, leaving slower boats struggling to finish.

First to finish was Ian and Graham Thomson's New Swan 40 Sloop John T, which went on to win Class One.

Over the two legs, Port Bannatyne to Ardrishaig and Crinan to Tobermory, Jack McIntyre's First 42 Thornoxon won Class One on aggregate. Results:

Crinan to Tobermory: Class 1 - 1, Sloop John T, 9-03.53. Class 2 - 1, Carioca (A Bilsland) 11-25.30. Class 3 - 1, Jus' do It (I Derby) 8-03.18. Class 4 - 1, Pointer (B Robertson) 9-59.20. Restricted Sail: Class 5 - 1, Supertramp (D Lyons) 7-44.55.

Overall. Class 1 - Thornoxon; 2, Looney Tunes. Class 3 - 1, Jus' do It. Class 4 - 1, Rampage (C & M G Rennie). Class 5 - 1, Supertramp.

q SIMON Pender, steering Ian Nicolson's Rhu-based Sigma 33 St Joan, now has a clear lead in the Sigma 33 class at Ford Week in Cork, Ireland. The week-long regatta constitutes the UK national championships of the class.

In the 75-boat fleet in 14-16 knot breezes, St Joan placed second in the first of two windward-leeward races yesterday.

The Clyde crew won the second race by 150 yards from the Largs-based Phoenix, sailed by John and Hilary Connelly, who finished fifth in the first race. In both races Scottish boats took five of the top seven places.

Overnight leader Boojum (Bobby Napier) was disqualified for a premature start in race 2. Results:

Sigma 33 National Championships Ford Cork Week. Race 1: 1, Moonshine (J Kelly). Race 2: 1, St Joan.