A GOOD neighbour is in line for his third bravery award after saving three people from separate fires in the one street.

Mr David Blair, a father-of two from Penicuik, dragged neighbour Rab Reid from his burning home at the weekend. Mr Reid had collapsed in the hall, suffering from smoke inhalation.

Firefighters said there was no doubt that Mr Blair's quick reaction had saved the man's life.

The rescue mirrored an incident in Woodside Drive two years ago, when he saved six-year-old Aaron Quinn from a fire in the house next door.

And in 1994, he dragged another neighbour, Mr John Ritchie, from his house. He had fallen asleep in the living room as a fire took hold in the kitchen.

The rescues have prompted suggestions that the catering assistant should take up a career as a firefighter.

Mr Blair, 40, is more concerned that he may have brought bad luck to his accident-prone street.

He joked: ''I don't know if I have brought bad luck to the street. Maybe if I moved out it would be quieter. Two or three folk said I should join the fire brigade.''

Neighbour June Palmer said yesterday it was reassuring to have Mr Blair around.

She said: ''The poor man next door could have been dead if it wasn't for Mr Blair and he deserves every medal he gets. He is a safe person to have around and I think everyone else in the street feels the same way as I do.''

Assistant divisional officer Maurice Gibb, of Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade, also praised Mr Blair. He said: ''There is no doubt that if it hadn't been for the actions of this chap the man in the house would have been asphyxiated.

''The man had managed to get to the front door but was disorientated, or maybe he couldn't find the keys or something and was stuck inside.

''I don't think there is any doubt that he did save this man's life.''

Lothian and Borders police last night confirmed that Mr Blair had now been nominated for his third meritorious bravery award.

A spokeswoman said: ''He is an example for the community as a whole. We recognise that his bravery has saved other people's lives.''