TWO frustrated drivers tried to make their way out of a jam-packed supermarket car park.

As one followed the other up a crowded lane, there was a near collision when the leading car stopped suddenly. The same thing happened a few seconds later and Grant Johnston, 25, ran into the back of 27-year-old Thomas Watson's car.

Mr Johnston screwed a finger to his temple to give Watson the ''idiot sign''. Watson, Glasgow Sheriff Court heard yesterday, jumped out of his car and tackled Mr Johnston.

Watson's wife and his two-year-old child could only look on as he headbutted Mr Johnston then grabbed his neck. As they struggled on the ground Mrs Watson remonstrated with her husband and a bystander pulled him off.

''At the hospital the victim was treated for a bruise on the cheek and tenderness of the neck which showed there was partial strangulation,'' said Ms Kay Potter, prosecuting.

Watson, an electrician, of Kirkton Avenue, Knightswood, admitted assaulting Mr Johnston, whose address was given as c/o the police, to his injury in the Asda Stores car park in Helen Street, Govan, on December 24.

Ms Potter said both men had been shopping that morning and were trying to get out of the car park which was particularly crowded because of the time of year.

Mr Desmond Leslie, defending, said the accused was furious when he saw the other driver giving him the ''idiot sign''.

''Both drivers were obviously full of frustration at the congestion in the car park and the accused now regrets over-reacting,'' he said.

Sheriff Gerald Gordon, who was told Watson had minor traffic convictions, deferred sentence for two weeks for reports and continued bail.