RELATIVES of Jodi Jones will make a television appeal tomorrow asking for the public to come forward with information about the murder of the 14-year-old Dalkeith teenager.

Two of Jodi's aunts will make the appeal at the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints, Dalkeith, more than a fortnight after their niece's murder.

Jodi's body was discovered on a path known as Roman Dyke on June 30 after she was subjected to a frenzied attack with a knife.

Detectives hope that Jodi's relatives will help jog the memories of potential witnesses who may have seen Jodi in the hours before her brutal death.

Jodi, from Easthouses, near Dalkeith, had been on her way to meet her boyfriend but never arrived and the alarm was raised when she failed to return home.

Lothian and Borders police confirmed that they are considering an appeal for witnesses on the BBC's Crimewatch programme.

However, yesterday a police spokesman declined to comment on reports that a 14-year-old youth had been questioned in connection with a missing knife. It is understood the boy had shown the knife off to friends after receiving it as a Christmas present, but it has since disappeared.

The weapon that killed Jodi has not been recovered.

At the weekend police set up an e-mail address for people to leave information or post anonymous tip-offs. A police spokesman said they have received e-mails from as far afield as the US and Holland.

Police are anxious to speak to people who may have spotted Jodi just before she was murdered.

A woman with a pushchair was seen walking along the pavement of Easthouses Road, just before the junction with Maryburn Road, at around 5pm on the day the teenager was killed.

They are also keen to speak to the drivers of two cars seen parked in the turning area of Newbattle High School, behind the path where the body was found, at around 5pm.

One of the vehicles, possibly a four-wheel-drive, had its bonnet up and officers think it might have broken down or been in a minor accident.

A reconstruction of Jodi's last movements was also staged.