Alex G. McBain:

an appreciation

JIM RODGER writes: Yesterday's obituary of my dear friend Alex G.

McBain recorded that he was only the second non-Catholic Scot to receive

a papal knighthood. It was the late Archibishop McIntosh who discovered

a financial genius, but his work for the Roman Catholic Church in

London, Liverpool, and Scotland was not the only side of his brilliant


He was financial adviser to Rangers, the John Lawrence Group, and was

the ''mystery businessman'' who sacked the late Scot Symon, the Rangers

manager, in 1967. As a sports writer on the Scottish Daily Express at

the time, I tracked him down to a little office two stairs up in

Waterloo Street, Glasgow, where I found him eating a couple of


He told me: ''I just went to see Mr Symon and told him I was there to

give him some help and make sure that he was given the proper financial

advice.'' Scot Symon didn't see it that way: he thought it should have

been done by the board.

On another occasion, he demonstrated his authority at a meeting in St

Enoch's Hotel, when Symon's successor David White was called away to the

phone. Alex did not take kindly to his speech (about Rangers Pools)

being interrupted. When David returned Alex asked him to stay outside

the room until it was over.