A MAN who was badly injured trying to save three children who died

when fire swept through their home was last night ''critically ill'' in


Mr Trevor Cuzner, 39, suffered serious burns as he battled through

flames yesterday in an attempt to reach the children, son Martyn 11, and

two foster children, a boy aged four and his three-year-old sister.

His wife Jenny and daughter Tanya, 12, who escaped by jumping from a

first-floor window of the house in Lancing, Sussex, were last night said

to be ''stable'' in Worthing Hospital, West Sussex.

Mr Cuzner, who works with British Rail, was eventually forced to give

up his rescue bid by diving head-first through a first-floor window.

Firemen said they had begged him to jump. At first he refused and made

several attempts to reach the children.

The two foster children who died came from the Croydon area of Surrey.

They had been living with the Cuzner family for two months after being

made wards of court. It is understood the family were hoping to adopt


A Croydon social services spokesman said they had broken the news of

the children's deaths to their mother, but were still trying to contact

the father.

The Cuzner family were members of the local Baptist church.

The family's minister, the Rev Max Donald, said last night: ''They are

a lovely family and the two youngest children were fitting in

beautifully. This is a great tragedy.''

The results of forensic tests into the cause of the blaze are expected

today but police said there were no suspicious circumstances.