ON July 31 I was in discussions with colleagues from Scotland's Jewish communities about a variety of issues of interest to them and to the STUC, when word reached us of the killings in the cafeteria of Jerusalem's Hebrew University. On August 2, a message of solidarity from the STUC was read to a mass rally against sectarianism outside Belfast City Hall, as people come to terms with the latest sectarian killing, of a construction worker.

It would be simplistic to equate the situations in Palestine/Israel and in Ireland too closely, but a couple of things can be said. Killing civilians is wrong in itself, especially when they are deliberately targeted. It also sets further and further back the prospects for a peaceful and just outcome to the conflicts in question - particularly when they involve peoples living side by side.

It is in Palestine that the most serious situation currently exists. Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and relentless oppression of the Palestinians is indefensible, and merits much stronger action by the international community: but attacks such as that on Tuesday by Hamas, on people still trying to maintain some measure of inter-community contact, plays straight into the hands of those in Israeli ruling circles who maintain that there can never be a common future for Jews and Arabs in the same territory.

Hard though it may be, the Palestinian leadership must resume efforts to persuade Hamas and similar groups that attacks on innocent civilians must end. They will, of course, be immensely strengthened in this if ordinary Palestinians can see some realistic prospect of an end to their misery, through the world beyond the Holy Land doing more than mouthing warm words - such as imposing real economic sanctions on Israel until it complies with all UN resolutions.

Bill Speirs,

general secretary, STUC,

333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow.

KING Abdullah is somewhat naive - just because Tony Blair says something, it does not follow that he means it.

Alex MacIntyre,

44 Thrums Avenue,

Woodhill, Bishopbriggs.