GARY Mason's boxing future was under serious threat last night after

surgery on an injured retina in his right eye.

The British heavy-weight champion, long touted as a successor to Frank

Bruno as a world title prospect, was admitted to Manchester Royal Eye

Hospital yesterday -- 36 hours after his laboured points victory over

America's Everett Martin at the Albert Hall.

The exact nature of the injury was not clear -- though it was feared

to be a torn or detached retina. Detached retinas in both eyes

prematurely ended the career of Horace Notice, Mason's predecessor as

British champion, 16 months ago.

Mason, the 27-year old unbeaten boxer from Chatham, was operated on by

Professor David McLeod, an expert in retinal surgery. He is a personal

friend of Mason's manager, Terry Lawless.

Mason complained publicly of a sore right hand following the win over

Martin, and only revealed later to Lawless a problem with his vision.

''Of all the fighters I have managed, Gary complains less about injuries

than anyone,'' said Lawless.

Lawless added: ''Gary is absolutely sure he will carry on boxing. He

is so positive about things. He was more frightened about eye drops and

blood tests than the operation. It will depend on Gary, the injury and

the skill of the person doing the operation -- and David McLeod is the

best in the world. We are not likely to know anything positive until

about mid-June.''

Mason, who has won all 34 of his fights, was to have challenged

Frenchman Jean Chanet for the European crown in France next month, but

that contest is obviously off.

IRELAND'S Dave McAuley will read nothing into the fact his American

challenger has been out of the ring for 15 months, when he makes his St

Patrick's Day defence of the IBF world fly-weight title in the King's

Hall, Belfast today.

That was exactly the length of time the 28-year-old from Larne had

been inactive when he became champion at the third attempt last June.

Now, having out-boxed Duke McKenzie and out-foxed No.1 challenger

Dodie Penalosa, McAuley faces Louis Curtis, a 32-year-old who has had

only 17 professional fights, the last of them in December 1988.