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Death Notice

David Iain Montgomery Grant

Published on 06/09/2024

GRANT David Iain Montgomery Peacefully, at the Marie Curie Hospice, Glasgow, on 28th August 2024, Rev. David Grant, formerly Minister of Dalry Trinity Church of Scotland, Ayrshire, much loved brother, brother-in-law, uncle, and special friend. "With Christ, which is far better." Burial at Dalry Cemetery, West Kilbride Road, Wednesday 11th September 2024, 2pm. Thanksgiving Service, Saturday 28th September 2024, 12 noon, at Sandyford Henderson Memorial Church, Kelvinhaugh Street, Glasgow G3 8NU. All welcome. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to Marie Curie Hospice.


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Margaret McLean September 6th, 2024
Wonderful friend to the Christian Union at Craigie College . A regular speaker at our C.U. In the early 70’s. Much appreciated by the student teachers at that time.