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Death Notice

Graeme ‘Spud’ Inverarity

Published on 06/09/2024

INVERARITY - Graeme 'Spud' It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Graeme Alexander 'Spud', aged 59, at home on Wednesday 28th August, 2024. Cherished son of the late Sandy and Jean, treasured father of Louisa, dearly loved brother and brother-in-law of Catherine, Alison and Simon, and a devoted uncle of Andrew and Graeme. A dear step-son to the late Frances, step-brother to Jill and Fiona, and a much loved friend of Katie. Private cremation, followed by a service of thanksgiving at St Marnocks Church, Fowlis Easter on Friday 13th September at 2.30pm, to which all family and friends are invited. Bright colours welcome. The service will also be available Online for those unable to attend in person. Please contact James Ashton on 01382 452110 for further information.


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