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Death Notice

Robert George Menzies Clow

Published on 26/07/2022

CLOW - Robert George Menzies Peacefully at Red Cross House of Erskine Home, Bishopton on Monday 18th July 2022, Robert, aged 88 years, formerly of Aiket Castle, Dunlop. Beloved brother of Jean, Iain, David and the late Bill. He will be sadly missed by family and friends. Formerly the Managing Director of all the bookshops of the firm John Smiths and Sons, Glasgow. Funeral will be Dunlop Kirk on Friday 29th July 2022 at 1pm followed by interment at Dunlop Cemetery at 1.45pm, to which all family and friends are respectfully invited. Family flowers only, please. Donations in lieu of flowers in Robert's memory can be made to Erskine Home or Dunlop Kirk.


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