Union bosses have expressed "delight" at the decision of a major Glasgow business to u-turn on wage cuts for bar staff.

But Unite Hospitality, which represents workers at Brel in the west end of the city, said trust must now be rebuilt with workers and customers following the threat to wages.

Brel, in Ashton Lane, announced in May that it would no longer be a real living wage employer, meaning a drop in basic wages of around 50p to 90p an hour for employees.

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A spokesperson for the bar and restaurant had said that wages would be topped up by a customer service charge added to customers' bills.

This prompted fury from workers who took action through their union.

Bryan Simpson, Lead Organiser at Unite Hospitality, said: "We’re delighted that ItIsOn have decided to do a u-turn on their previous decision and will now be paying the real living wage rate of £10.90.

"We would now urge the company to become an accredited real living wage employer with the Living Wage Foundation so that they can rebuild the trust and reputation that has been damaged by their decision in May with workers and customers alike."

But a spokesperson from Itison venues, on behalf of Brel said the union was not involved in any change of pay at Brel.

A spokesperson for itison venues said: "Unite Hospitality had no involvement in any change of pay at Brel or any of our other venues.

"We are taking legal action against Unite for prior social media posts which are damaging to our business and team members who work there.

"We’re delighted to be at the forefront of pay and benefits in the hospitality industry and will continue to strive for what is in the interests of our teams and business."

The Real Living Wage is a voluntary scheme businesses can choose to take part in; the national living wage is set by the government.

At the time of the announcement Unite called the change "morally reprehensible" but Brel countered that the company had to move to a "more sustainable" wage model and added that wages are topped up to an average of £13.14 an hour by customer tips.

It said it it had introduced a customer service charge, 100% of which is shared among staff.

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Outwith London, the national minimum wage in the UK is £10.18 for those under 23 and £10.42 for those over 23.

The real living wage is £10.90 for everyone over the age of 18.

Brel also said that all staff, regardless of age, are paid the same rate and that the addition of customer tips represents a 14% pay rise.

The basic staff rate previously was £9.90, which was the previous Real Living Wage, before an increase to £10.90 in April this year.

Brel has been contacted for comment.