Where is it?

Easdale, Inner Hebrides.

Why do you go there?

It is one of the most charming little islands off the west coast. As Aussies living on Mull, it’s our home from home from home. From Tobermory to Oban, it’s a hop, skip and a boat ride to Easdale, making it the perfect weekender.

Easdale is small enough that you don’t feel obliged to do anything but enjoy the view and when you are indeed feeling adventurous, within a matter of steps you are either skimming stones in an abandoned slate quarry, wild swimming or sitting in the cosy pub.

How often do you go?

If my husband Ro and I wake up early enough on a Saturday morning we will look at each other and say, “Easdale?” Unfortunately, we like to sleep in, so we get there once a month if we’re lucky.

How did you discover it?

We used to run The Glass Barn at Isle of Mull Cheese and one day a good customer invited us to stay at her house. We never usually take people up on offers like this, but for some reason we did and when we arrived on Easdale, we knew we’d landed somewhere special.

What’s your favourite memory?

The sun has never shone brighter than the first morning we woke up on Easdale. Our friend ran an extension lead out the window of her gorgeous, whitewashed cottage and through her garden just so we could toast our bread in the sun. It was the most delicious moment of my life.

It’s hard to beat the first time seeing Easdale as you come over the hill into Ellenabeich, where you then press a switch that sounds the klaxon to signal the ferry.

Who do you take?

Ro and Grampa our Irish Wolfhound.

What do you take?

Living on a cheese farm we can’t go anywhere without taking a big wedge of Isle of Mull, a bottle of Sgriob-Ruadh spirit and lots of farm bacon.

What do you leave behind?

Nothing. Living on an island we are super-mindful of what we bring, so we pack light and take our rubbish away with us.

Sum it up in five words.

Quaint. Wild. Homely. Eccentric. Rugged.

What other travel spot is on your wish list?

Filming the BBC Scotland series Scotland’s Home of the Year is a dream job on paper, traversing the country and peeking into stunning houses.

However, we often only have time for tea and a wee in some of the most special places. I’d love to explore Orkney more. I felt something very special in the air there.

Wild Isle Style: Resourceful And Sustainable Interior Design Ideas by Banjo Beale (Quadrille, £25), is out on October 12