Where is it? 
Loch Ordie near the quaintly fabulous village of Dunkeld in Perthshire. Specifically, the beautiful walk from Butterstone to the stunning water at the top, and back again, passing picturesque lochans and through dense forests along the way. 

The Herald:

Why do you go there? 
When we moved back to Scotland from England, we struggled to find a school for my son whose anxiety issues had been greatly exacerbated by the pandemic. 
We eventually found Moore House Academy, near Dunkeld, nestled deep in the forests and we immediately fell in love with the entire area. Each bend in the road throws out one beautiful, soothing view after another. 

How often do you go? 
My husband Robert goes religiously every Friday after dropping our son off. I join him whenever I can, but not as often as I would like. It’s more than a two-hour round trip and a five-hour walk. 
I try to hit it a few times every “season”. I can’t wait to see the autumn colours descend; it’s like a symphony for the eyes. It’s also glorious in the snow and ice of winter, as well as in the summer and spring - a veritable triumph of nature.

How did you discover it? 
Before we found school transport, we were driving my son there and back each day and since we have two dogs it was decided one of those days we would spend walking and enjoying, instead of all that to and fro. This route was found by chance, and we haven’t yet stopped discovering its layers.

What’s your favourite memory? 
When the loch froze over. It was a very chilly walk but as we Scots know, the freezing cold sunshine conditions can be picture-perfect. Ice cracking underfoot as we walked. Bracing but bright. It was like being inside a living Christmas card.  There was also the time this summer when I jumped in the loch and had a lovely wild swim. And walked home wet but happy. 

Who do you take? 
Well, our dogs Dave and Brian, of course, and occasionally my husband’s mother Mary joins in - at the impressive age of 83. Last year her older sister Jean joined in too and their stamina was inspiring to witness, to say the least. 

What do you take? 
We pack a tasty lunch. My husband brings his beloved drone, and he captures stunning aerial footage over the water. I get snap happy too and sometimes record a spot of poetry when the mood takes me. 

What do you leave behind? 
Laughter, our worries and definitely no rubbish. 

Sum it up in five words.
Exquisite. Expansive. Emotive. Peaceful. Preserved. 

What other travel spot is on your wish list? 
We have vowed to “do” Scotland’s west coast soon and I think Raasay will be first on that list. I’ve heard it’s a slice of heaven. 
Wild Hope: Healing Words to Find Light on Dark Days by Donna Ashworth (Black & White Publishing, £12.99), is out now