What’s the story?

Badgers: Their Secret World.

I have a great “sett” of badger jokes.

Save them for the Christmas cracker factory. We’re here to talk about a new two-part Channel 5 documentary series. Presented by naturalist and explorer Steve Backshall, it aims to shine a spotlight on one of the UK’s most elusive species.

You say elusive, I say private.

Potato, potahto. Tomato, tomahto. Cameras are rigged inside and outside badger setts to capture footage of these fascinating creatures as they go about their daily business.

What can we expect?

Among the highlights are hopes of recording what’s believed to be a world first: the only time a wild European badger will have given birth on camera.

The show also charts the enthralling antics of the “Bluebell Badgers”, including the moment when nine-week-old cubs emerge from their sett for the first time.

And there is a chance to learn about “badger housekeeping” and the remarkable lengths they will go to for a clean and tidy home. Move over Marie Kondo …

Anything else?

Not all the footage is an easy watch. A young cub recovers from horrific injuries at a rescue centre. But there are moments of joy too as she makes her first steps towards gaining independence.

When can I watch?

Badgers: Their Secret World, Channel 5, Wednesday and Thursday, 7pm.