Where is it?

Loch Eddy in the Glen Estate, Scottish Borders.

Why do you go there?

It is one of the most magical places I have ever been to. I love that I can get there from my house, either by bike or on foot. It is near to where I live and a beautiful walk or cycle.

The Herald: The boathouse at Loch EddyThe boathouse at Loch Eddy (Image: unknown)

How often do you go?

Five or six times a year.

How did you discover it?

Someone I know had posted about it on their Instagram feed - a photograph of the boathouse at Loch Eddy - and I was mesmerised. When I looked it up, I realised I could get there easily because it is accessible from where I live. That is what inspired me. I decided to have a little adventure.

What’s your favourite memory?

It was in the autumn. I cycled from my house to Cardrona Forest and then into the Glen Estate. You come down into the valley and then, at the foot of the hills, the loch appears in front of you with the boathouse to the left.

As I arrived and saw this incredible view unfold in front of me, it took my breath away. It is almost like a secret place because it is tucked away in the valley. It is not somewhere you would just come across. You have to know about it. That is part of what makes it so magical.

I always feel grounded and in awe of nature when I spend time there. On that particular autumn day, the colours were amazing.

Who do you take?

Over the years I have gone with my dog Horace, a black Labrador. He came on my 50th birthday ride. My partner was with us too. I have gone with friends and done a social ride. I always think it is more special with a smaller group or a couple of people because you really feel the intimacy of that spot.

What do you take?

A picnic packed lunch with a flask of tea, a sandwich and something sweet to enjoy. I then sit at the boathouse, surrounded by the water, and look out at the view.

What do you leave behind?

My worries and stresses. When I am there, there is something lovely about simply being in the moment. I forget all about my to-do list.

Sum it up in five words.

Magical. Beautiful. Peaceful. Scottish. Unspoilt.

What other travel spots are on your wish list?

I am keen to explore the Scottish islands. I would love to do it on foot or as a bike touring trip. Skye is on my list and the five ferries’ island-hopping route that takes in Arran and Bute.

Alex Feechan is a Scottish fashion designer and founder of active lifestyle/outdoor clothing company FINDRA. Visit findraclothing.com