Arctic Monkeys, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, tomorrow

There will be some who wish Sheffield's finest had never grown up. That they were still knocking out hell-for-leather indie tunes like Mardy Bum and I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor. But Alex Turner, laryngitis permitting, and the rest of the band have never been one to rest on their laurels and there are some of us who think the latest incarnation of the band - as louche, heartbroken, ageing lounge lizards - is far more affecting. How this translates to a live performance in Bellahouston Park will be interesting to see and hear. If you've managed to get a ticket, that is. 

The Herald: Arctic MonkeysArctic Monkeys

The Skids, Dunfermline Abbey, Friday

Now here's history. Richard Jobson returns home to Dunfermline with the latest incarnation of The Skids to play at Dunfermline Abbey, no less. It's a gig that launches the band's new album Destination Dusseldorf and it will be followed up by an intimate gig at PJ Molloys in Dunfermline to launch the album next Saturday. Proof that there are some old punks still raging against the dying of the light. Raging hard.

The Herald: Richard JobsonRichard Jobson



Ballet Black: Pioneers, Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Wednesday and Thursday

Cassa Panchot's pioneering ballet company for dancers of black and Asian descent returns to Edinburgh with a double bill of new work created by choreographers Will Tuckett and Mthuthuzeli November. Tuckett's Then Or Now explores ideas of home and belonging, while November's Nina: By Whatever Means is a response to the art and activism of Nina Simone and reminds us that modern dance can tackle difficult issues such as racism and domestic abuse.

The Herald: November’s NinaNovember’s Nina (Image: unknown)


Thirteen North: Connected, Saint Luke’s, Glasgow, Thursday

Violinists Emily Davis and Catriona Price have assembled a 13-strong string ensemble in a bid to bring classical music to new and diverse audiences. Hence, this all ages debut show at Saint Luke's which will showcase three new commissions from Padruig Morrison, Pippa Murphy and Price, as well as a performance of Bartok's Divertimento for Strings. There will also be a screening of three short films by Glasgow-based filmmaker Bircan Birol. 



Art Night, various venues, Dundee, tomorrow

So, here's an interesting late-night venture. Tomorrow Dundee's Art Night sees a mixture of live events, installations, performances and film screenings by 10 artists around Dundee, kicking off at 7pm and going on "until late." It's the first time the festival has been held in the UK outside London. Highlights include a new film work by Lucy McKenzie at V&A Dundee;  Emma Hart's celebration of rave culture, Big Up, a series of sculptures to be found in Greenmarket Car Park; and Saoirse Amira Anis's breach of a fraying body, which on the night will see the artist journey from the DCA to HMS Unicorn in costume.