RON Butlin is in full satirical vein in this imagined future for Scotland’s capital city. The poem comes from his scintillating new collection, The Magicians of Scotland (Polygon, £9.99).


Who hasn’t dreamt of windfarms in Princes Street?

Strictly democratic, they’ll brighten our lives

electric-wise from Granton to Grange,

Jenner’s to Poundland.

Just imagine –

fifty-foot high maitre d’s perpetually

ushering us in to picnic

on the grassy slopes.

How the world will envy us!

How Glasgow will envy us!

It only needs a business plan.

Somewhere deep beneath the Castle, we’ll have

a terra-cotta army standing guard,

as well it should.

McPyramids will house the future line

of Scottish pharaohs.

Ah yes, a business plan. . .