
The Test


Mànran came racing out of the blocks in 2011, creating what seemed like an instant following for their Gaelic folk-rock and winning Album of the Year at the Scots Trad Music Awards at the first attempt. If the temptation to see them as a younger Runrig was strong then, it's both backed up to some degree and in some ways assuaged by this second album as they acknowledge a certain debt through their stirring reading of Calum and Rory Macdonald's Tillidh Mi and show that they're capable of producing their own anthems with drummer Scott Mackay's title track. They've also created their own instrumental identity, playing tune sets with feeling, vigour and dynamic variation, and introducing Ryan Murphy's uilleann pipes to fine effect into the world music groove of Dhèanainn Sgradhù. Norrie MacIver continues to develop as a frontman, singing puirt-a-beul with shape as well as tongue-twisting pace and infusing The Fishing Boat with personality and sensitivity. Another trip to the 'Trads' could well be on the cards.

Rob Adams