In Germany, John McGurk is regarded as a national hero. Since 1987, this Glaswegian has raised more than £3m for abused and disadvantaged children and received a clutch of Germany’s highest civilian honours.

His 2019 autobiography: Stand up, Straighten Yer Kilt and Keep on Fighting was published in Germany to widespread acclaim. It tells the story of Mr McGurk’s childhood in Blackhill in Glasgow, Greenock and Dumfries which was marked by appalling violence and abuse. And how he has made it his life’s work to help thousands of children who are enduring the same suffering today.

Tonight, he returns home to help Children First raise £100,000 at a gala dinner at Crossbasket Castle in East Kilbride.

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Mr McGurk settled in Germany after leaving the army, where he had been stationed at Osnabruck. This week, he described in excruciating detail the extent of the abuse that he and his siblings endured. Yet, his recollections betrayed no bitterness or hint of vengeance.

“I felt I’d been born to be hurt,” he said. “Abuse at home was a daily way of life for my brothers and sisters and my mum.” The RSPCC were constant visitors to his home, but there was a limit to what they could do. “My siblings and I would be seen by social workers who would split us all up and send us to off to different homes across the country.

“I remember landing in Greenock where my arm was broken on my first day at school in a fight. The ‘Home’ boys were regarded as scum and often suffered mobbing. In Blackhill, people always tried to look out for each other and if it hadn’t been for that then some of us might not have survived.

“At another home in Dumfries, the Home ‘father’ hated me. He said I was scum and that my life belongs in a rubbish bin. I was beaten black and blue and thrown against walls until my bones were broken.”

After one particularly vicious assault his teacher noticed his distress the following day. He was sent to hospital where a perforated ulcer was diagnosed.

Somehow, he made it into the Army. “I was good at being a soldier and the discipline and fitness schedule suited me. But for a few years after I left I was still being destroyed inside by the shame of what had happened to me as a child.”

Mr McGurk tells of the night his life turned. “Until then I was still full of shame, drinking bottles of whisky and chain-smoking and coughing up blood. That night I’d fallen unconscious. You could call it a dream, but it seemed more than that and it’s the reason why I’m still here.”

This is when his Christian faith began to turn his life around. “I was visited by Mother Mary and I felt her saying to me: ‘God gave you a strong heart and he has work for you to do’. Until then I had every reason not to believe in God. But that was the turning point. I felt I was being told: ‘Just because you’re born with nothing doesn’t mean you are a nothing’.”

"I stopped smoking and drinking whisky and got myself fit. Then I bought myself a kilt and went knocking on the doors of possible sponsors for charity runs. I met my German wife Katie and we’ve been together 35 years.

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"Initially, I hadn’t wanted to tell her about my past out of shame, but she’s helped me every step of the way and everything we do is dedicated to helping other kids who are suffering what I went through.”

Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive of Children First, said: “John has been a passionate and dedicated supporter of Children First, Scotland’s national children’s charity, for the past decade. During this time, his tremendous efforts have resulted in donations of over £93,000 towards our work to protect all Scotland’s children. Thanks to his generosity and support, we have been able help hundreds of children who are distressed and at risk of serious harm and helping them to recover from unthinkable trauma and abuse.”

A few tickets for tonight’s event are available from the Children 1st website starting at £150.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit