Scotland fans have been descending on Germany and the streets of Munich were full of them on Thursday evening ahead of the big game on Friday. 

The Tartan Army have travelled in their numbers and it was 'taps aff' weather too as you can see. Supporters well in full voice and there's more landing with every minute of the day that passes in Germany as they take any route they can to be in attendance for the opening match. 

Planes were landing, trains were arriving and there was more than a few folk who have driven the whole way in cars or campervans. 

With beers in hand, these fans were certainly making sure their voices were heard. 

(Image: PA) And it's not just the booze keeping people entertained, a football made it's way to the main square and there were plenty of people getting a kick out of it.

(Image: PA) Not the local police though, who appear to have taken it from a young boy in attendance and were telling him to keep it in his bag. Maybe fair but have a bit of fun officer.

(Image: PA)It's not an international tournament without some hats you'd never be caught wearing at home and this big one is certainly impressive. 

(Image: PA) And you definitely can't go to an international tournament without having your pipes with you. Members of the Tartan Army whipped their out and played a few tunes in the main square.(Image: PA)