It has become a major killer, a drag on the economy, threat to national security and significant factor in deteriorating US relations with Mexico and China. Foreign Editor David Pratt examines the scourge of the synthetic opioid

It was around 2:45pm last month on September 15, that paramedics answered an emergency call at the Divino Nino nursery in the Bronx area of New York City. There they found one-year-old Nicholas Dominici, a 2-year-old boy, and an 8-month-old girl unconscious and unresponsive. Another ill child had already been taken to hospital by his parents. Nicholas Dominici had been at the nursery for only a week when he and the other children were exposed to the drug fentanyl. In a subsequent search, police later found bags of the synthetic opioid hidden beneath a rug and trap door in the children’s play area.

Last week, Felix Herrera Garcia, the husband of the nursery’s owner, became the fourth person charged in the case with conspiracy to distribute narcotics resulting in death.

Fentanyl and death it seems go almost hand in hand in today’s United States. Over the last decade the drug, which is 50 times stronger than heroin, has become the leading cause of death among young Americans and linked to more than two-thirds of the record 109,680 overdose deaths in the US last year.

It’s estimated that more than 600,000 Americans and Canadians have died of an opioid overdose since 1999 and modelling data suggests that 1.2m more could die by the end of this decade.

Given such potency, fentanyl kills long time users and new users alike. According to health officials, young people, many of them experimenting with drugs for the first time, have little tolerance of synthetic opioids.

Unsuspecting victims

Victims often believe they are ordering heroin, cocaine or painkiller tablets from drug dealers on social media, not knowing the products are mixed with deadly fentanyl. There are other unsuspecting victims too as in the case of the children at the Divino Nino nursery.

US federal mortality data show that fentanyl-related deaths among infants and toddlers are rising sharply. Losing a child has become a devastating consequence of the addiction for many parents using fentanyl who leave the drug within reach of youngsters.

Such is the scale of the worst drug crisis in US history that not only has it become a major killer, but a drag on the American economy, a threat to national security and a significant factor in deteriorating US relations with China and Mexico. The extent of the problem is now so all pervasive that tackling it is already a major campaigning issue impacting on the 2024 US presidential election. So what happened to spark this epidemic, who are the criminal cartels that now exploit it and what can we expect next of its impact?

According to Patrick Radden Keefe, a staff writer at the New Yorker and author of Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, the answer to the first of these questions lies with Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical company that began to sell the powerfully addictive opioid painkiller OxyContin back in the late 1990s.

Purdue yielded vast profits from the opioid painkiller.

“The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense and white,” Keefe recounts one of those decedents prophetically saying at the launch party for Oxycontin. And so it proved true as other drug manufacturers followed Purdue’s lead.

By 2010 when OxyContin was reformulated to make it more difficult to abuse, many Americans who were already addicted switched and illicit fentanyl displaced legally prescribed painkillers.

But if big pharmaceutical companies and negligent doctors were in part responsible for setting the demand for opioids into motion, then it was Mexican and other drug cartels that exploited the surge, first with heroin and then synthetic fentanyl.


TIJUANA, MEXICO - OCTOBER 18: Hundreds of pounds of fentanyl and meth seized near Ensenada in October arrive for officials from Mexicos attorney generals office to be unloaded at their headquarter in Tijuana, Mexico, Tuesday, October 18, 2022. No one was

Hundreds of pounds of fentanyl and meth was seized near Ensenada in Mexico in October 2022


Illicit business

For just as user habits changed, so too did Mexico’s illegal drug trade adapt in the shift from plant-based drugs towards synthetics, creating a new, simplified and highly profitable arm of the illicit business that involved fewer workers and lower costs.

Fentanyl production is simpler than heroin because it is entirely synthetic and doesn’t require cultivating the poppies needed for heroin. For the cartels large seizures at the Mexico-US border or raids on labs can quickly be offset without having to wait to harvest crops or pay farmers.

Experts agree it is also mush less expensive to make. Where the plant based opium needed to produce a kilogram of heroin can cost producers about $6,000, the precursor chemicals to make a kilogram of fentanyl cost $200 or less according to a US bipartisan report on synthetic opioids last year.

“Synthetic opioids offer economic and tactical advantages that allow criminals to vastly outpace enforcement efforts,” the report concluded.

Mexican supplies

Writing in the Financial Times (FT) recently, Christine Murray, the newspaper’s Mexico and Central America correspondent, detailed just how difficult it is to stop the supply at Mexico’s largest port Manzanillo one of the key entry points for chemicals from China that are used to make fentanyl.

Every day at this Pacific coast hub, the port handles some 9,500 containers, some 30 per cent of Mexico’s maritime imports. In such a vast cargo Mexico’s customs authorities have their work cut out trying to find the tiny amounts of input chemicals needed to make fentanyl.

Further complicating their task is the sheer variety of precursors that can be used to make fentanyl and other illicit drugs. Most such precursors also have legitimate uses – including for medical research – and are perfectly legal to sell, making up part of the booming transnational trade.

As researchers at the Rand Corporation which helped compile the US bi-partisan report have established, all the fentanyl needed to supply the US for one year weighs the equivalent of 5 tonnes and would easily fit into one lorry. It’s a comparatively small load compared to the 125 tonnes for heroin and even more for cocaine.

“It’s not a needle in a haystack, it’s the hole in the needle in the haystack,” Peter Reuter, public policy professor at the University of Maryland told the FT.

With business savvy and growing power in Mexico, the Sinaloa and rival Jalisco cartels dominate the market for supplying fentanyl to the US.

The two pre-eminent cartels are named for their respective strongholds in states on Mexico’s Pacific Coast. Sinaloa is a decades-old criminal organisation deeply embedded in the economy, politics and culture of Mexico’s wild northwest, analysts and officials say. Jalisco, to the south, is relatively new, and has violently challenged Sinaloa for market share.

“It’s definitely become a big driver of violence in Mexico,” says Falko Ernst, senior Mexico analyst at the International crisis Group. “It’s a huge cash cow for those who have access to it," Ernst told the FT.

But at its roots this multi-million dollar operation is low tech. From porches and shacks within their remote strongholds, Mexico’s Sinaloa and Jalisco employ fentanyl "cooks" as part of their globe-spanning production line manufacturing the cartels’ highly profitable export. No one knows how many crude labs there are which can be set up inexpensively and quickly, torn down and moved or abandoned to evade security forces.

One Mexican cook who spoke to reporters from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said he makes up to $2,500 a week running his one-man 10-by-10 foot lab.

Once produced the drugs are transported across the Mexico-US land border by “mules”, who are often American women, according to a recent US indictment. Some are flown over in private planes. The fentanyl is then distributed using similar US networks as for other drugs.

And it is here that the blame game that is politics comes into play with fentanyl becoming not only a threat to US national security but a significant factor in deteriorating relations between Washington, Beijing and Mexico City.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets the media after signing the joint statement of Finland and the United States on cooperation in advanced wireless communications (6G) at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Helsinki, Finland Friday, June 2,

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken


Report's findings

Speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee earlier this year, Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, made clear the findings of the US International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) released in March 2023.

“Criminal elements, mostly in the People’s Republic of China, ship precursor chemicals to Mexico, where they are used to produce illicit fentanyl,” Gupta told the committee before going on to underline that the American authorities identified Mexico “as the sole significant source of illicit fentanyl and fentanyl analogues significantly affecting the United States".

Just as this opioid epidemic has grown, so too has its role in American politics. Where once it brought Republicans and Democrats together, as overdose deaths continue to climb, the discourse around fentanyl has become much more politicised. At times it has become less aligned with reality as House Republicans' border oversight hearings have regularly invoked the smuggling of fentanyl across the US-Mexico border alongside migration issues.

For the administration of US president Joe Biden, the grim overdose death statistics remain a real concern as it struggles to contain a crisis it vowed to end during the 2020 election campaign.

Certainly, there’s no doubt that since taking office the Biden administration’s efforts are visible and have won praise from healthcare experts for shifting away from criminalising drug users and focusing instead on expanding treatment for people suffering from opioid use disorder as well as information campaigns. This though has not stopped the fentanyl crisis from impacting on the forthcoming presidential election next year.

As with Donald Trump and the Mexico border wall, Republican leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – a 2024 presidential hopeful – have blamed immigrants for drug trafficking. In that sense fentanyl has become the Republican Party’s new ‘wall’ against Mexico. On the wider US foreign policy front - Mexico aside - China too has come under intense US criticism. With relations between the two nations already soured some had hoped that fentanyl control was one area in which Washington and Beijing might find common ground outside rival areas such as trade and technology. But the signs are not good.

While America says China needs to do more to curb transnational supplies of both precursors and fentanyl itself, the Chinese state media continues to insist that “the fentanyl crisis in the US is demand driven,” primarily by “the users themselves.”


BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - NOVEMBER 21: EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson talks to media in the Berlaymont, the EU Commission headquarter on November 21, 2022 in Brussels, Belgium. Ahead of the Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council of 25

 EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson


Law enforcement

Part of the problem say analysts like Vanda Felbab-Brown an expert on international crime at the Brookings Institution is that China “sees its counternarcotics enforcement, and more broadly its international law enforcement cooperation, as strategic tools that it can instrumentalise to achieve other objectives.”

The bottom line says Felbab-Brown is that “fentanyl stands apart from other domains of policy, because people are dying daily... this is not a delayed threat, this is an immediate life or death situation.”

And on that note of immediate threat, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that Europe must wake up to the threat of synthetic opioids. It’s a view shared by Ylva Johansson, the EU's home affairs commissioner.

"When I talked to Secretary Blinken, he put it like this on synthetic drugs: 'Either it's a problem that you have, that you don't know that you have, or either it's a problem that you will have,'" Johansson said in an interview with Politico magazine last month. The US wants to act as the canary in the coal mine, she said, "so that others won't have the same problem as they had."

Johansson also warned that the capacity to produce fentanyl in the EU and across Europe as a whole “is here, we have it."

She highlighted how the moment organised crime see a rise in demand, production could rise very quickly indeed.

Already a total of 434 illicit synthetic drug production laboratories were dismantled in the EU in 2021, according to the European Drug Report reinforcing Johansson's view that Europe has to be “very vigilant and very prepared".

Right now the skyrocketing death rate in the US - equivalent to one American overdosing every five minutes - and the $1.5tn annual cost to the economy is forcing a national debate about how to solve what is now a public health emergency. Faced with a similar prospect, Europe would be wise it seems to take heed of the warnings Johansson has highlighted.