Where is it?

The 86-acre native meadow at Longwood Gardens – America's top public garden in Pennsylvania.

Why do you go there?

I lived and worked at Longwood for a year, between 2015 and 2016, on an international horticultural training programme. I had such a great experience and I was planning to revisit this summer but that is now on hold.

How often do you go?

I haven't returned since I left but the memories are special. All of the gardens at Longwood are superb, but I was particularly drawn to the meadow in my free time.

This managed native meadow combines horticulture and ecology to create an attractive yet environmentally sensitive landscape with a rich biodiversity. The meadow really fuelled my love of nature, photography and garden design.

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How did you discover it?

While doing my horticulture degree at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh I learned about Longwood's international training programme and was determined to experience it at some point in my career. After working at Highgrove, I applied for the training programme and was accepted.

You live on-site close to the meadow with horticulturists from all over the world and work and learn across different specialisms at Longwood. It was very emotional saying goodbye to all my international friends at the end of the year.

What's your favourite memory of being there?

Working in the meadow and my memorable commute to work through a woodland. I loved observing the meadow change through the seasons, watching the monarch butterflies feeding on the flowers, and the fireflies that came out at night.

Who do you take?

I'd like to go back to a big international reunion. Some of my closest American friends still live within the area and I have already been able to meet up with some of my international colleagues in Italy, Portugal and the UK.

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What do you take?

My camera as it is always with me. It is very important for my work and social media activity. I try to use my Instagram and blog to inspire people to grow, connect with nature and have a positive impact on the world.

What do you leave behind?

My raincoat. The sun almost always shines there, even during the very cold winter months when I experienced temperatures of -27C.

Sum it up in five words.

Natural. Beautiful. Inspirational. Calming. Unique.

What travel spot is on your post-lockdown wish list?

Closer to home, and once this is over, I hope to visit the Scottish countryside again. I am a country girl at heart. I particularly love Tentsmuir Forest and beach near St Andrews.

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A major programme of tree and scrub removal at Tentsmuir has restored 95 per cent of dune grassland and heathland. It feels wild and remote, but it is only a short drive from both St Andrews and Dundee.

Beechgrove is on BBC Scotland, Thursdays, 7.30pm and repeated on BBC Two on Sunday mornings. Follow Kirsty on Instagram @getplantinghort and Twitter @meadowmania or visit