THIS week we are going to look at a gentle, non-invasive and holistic treatment that can help you avoid diseases in both body and mind, namely Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy or BCT. BCT stimulates the motion and flow of the craniosacral system, which is made up of:




Spinal cord

Membranes surrounding the spinal cord

Cerebral spinal fluid

Muscles that encapsulate the central nervous system (CNS).

THE practitioner will use finely tuned skills of perception to feel and identify where in the body tissue, fluid and nervous system restrictions are located. The therapy is aimed at encouraging the client’s own healing processes to take place naturally. The body heals and repairs best when the nervous system is in a relaxed state. However, with modern-day living, this state is often hard to achieve, which can lead to undue stress.

How does it work?

All experiences in life are perceived by the body through the sensory nerves going into the brain. These experiences include trauma from injury, physical or emotional trauma, or sometimes even chemical or biological influences. The nervous system has two divisions; one that stimulates and the other that relaxes. The shift between the two is

vital for the body to heal and repair. When

we feel unwell, rest and sleep allows

healing to take place. When we don’t get enough downtime for the relaxation division to do its job, the nervous system prioritises what needs to be dealt with immediately

and what can wait.

The nervous system detects what is going on in its external environment, which includes other people’s nervous systems. Hence the reason we can feel sad if we are in the presence of a sad person or happy when we are around happy people. Biodynamic craniosacral therapists are trained to put their own nervous system into the relaxed state and keep it there at will. The client’s nervous system picks up the therapist’s relaxed state and will begin to copy it, eventually expressing the same state. No manipulation is necessary when the relaxed nervous system is tapped into and the body is given the time and space it needs to start repairing issues that have built up over time.

What happens during a treatment?

BCT involves a soft touch but not manipulation of the tissues and the person will be fully clothed on the massage table. Treatments usually last around 45 minutes; a case history will be taken, listening with care to the reasons for your visit. You will then be asked to lie face up or on your side, or possibly seated depending on your needs. The practitioner will make light contact with your head, spine and other areas. Treatments can be extremely relaxing and sometimes you may feel sensations in the body as hot, cold, tingly or tightness. It is encouraged

that sensations felt by the client are talked about so that they become more bodily

and self-aware.

Who is it for and why would they have it?

Because of its gentle nature, craniosacral therapy can be enjoyable and beneficial for all ages from new-born babies to the elderly. It is widely used for a whole range of conditions. In the elderly, increased vitality and sense of wellbeing are common advantages, the delicate nature of the therapy is also a huge appeal. Mothers, babies and children often come for problems associated with infertility, pregnancy, traumatic births, behavioural problems and learning difficulties. Releasing tension held in the body allows them to relax and settle into calmness where the body can start to repair and regulate. New-born babies often have problems like colic, sucking problems during breastfeeding, teething and restless nights where they seem agitated, biodynamic craniosacral therapy can help ease these complications.

People often come for a treatment to ease acute physical conditions like headaches and back pain or for acute/chronic problems both physical and emotional. Many of us use this therapy as a preventative measure, alongside other healthy lifestyle choices, to keep physical and emotional health in good condition. Others come to support the stresses from busy lives and everyday challenges. This therapy is also highly effective at speeding up the recovery period after surgery, illness and injury. It can also help to improve sleeping patterns and ease the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders.

The dedicated team at Physio Effect provides a full package of services that will ensure you’re supported through injury prevention, assessment, recovery and helping you achieve your ultimate performance goals. We offer a range of services: physiotherapy, sports massage, pilates, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, yoga and mobility.

Unit 18A, 100 Borron Street, G4 9XG