TOM Kitchin's Edinburgh eaterie has become the only restaurant in Scotland to be awarded five AA rosettes.

The Kitchin won the accolade at the AA Hospitality Awards ceremony in The Grosvenor House, London.

Kitchin's other project, Scran & Scallie, won Pub of the Year.

Speaking about his awards, Kitchin said: “To be the only restaurant in Scotland to hold five AA rosettes is a fantastic achievement and a huge honour. It makes me incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as a team.

“This year has been huge for us. The Kitchin went through a major refurbishment and expansion at the beginning of 2015, and the new space has allowed us all to grow and most importantly has enhanced our guests’ experience.

"The feedback so far has been incredible and it is the support of our customers that has allowed us to take this step.

"We never sit still and are constantly look for new ways to make The Kitchin experience more memorable. We want all of our diners to enjoy the most wonderful gastronomic journey possible when dining with us.”

The Rufflets Hotel in St Andrews was named Scottish Hotel of the Year.

Stephen Owen, general manager, said: “Everyone at Rufflets works very hard to maintain the highest standards, which are rightly expected of a top hotel in Scotland, so it is fantastic to be recognised in this way by the industry.”