In addition to his stage work, Mokae appeared in such films as The Comedians, Darling and Cry Freedom, as well as television series such as The X-Files and Oz.

But it was his work with countryman Fugard that brought Mokae his greatest artistic success, including a Tony award in 1982 for his portrayal of a servant and surrogate father for a young white man in Master Harold.

The friendship between Mokae, a black saxophone player who wanted to be an actor, and Fugard, a white journalist who wanted to be a playwright, was forged in the ghettos of Johannesburg in 1958. The men first met at places like Dorkay House, a club for black artists and a meeting ground for people of both races.

“The club was pretty close to the wind. It was under police surveillance,” Fugard said in 1985. “The authorities busted in on occasion to find out what was going on. All they found were a lot of musicians and would-be actors hanging out, talking and trying to do some work.”

That work included The Blood Knot, which tells the story of two men, both black but one light enough to pass for white. The play created a sensation when it was first performed at Dorkay House in September 1961. It was the first time a white man and a black man appeared together on a South African stage. Audiences jammed the tiny theatre, and a one-night stand became a six-month run. The play’s success cemented a bond between the two men that withstood the brutality of apartheid.

“I didn’t know it then but Zakes had the word ‘survivor’ written all over him. Not just ‘survivor’ but ‘magnificent survivor’,” Fugard said. “I saw Zakes at the receiving end of a terrible system, and we shared some pretty dark moments.”

It was Mokae who was harassed and arrested by authorities for refusing to carry a passbook, an identification necessity for South African blacks. When The Blood Knot went on tour across South Africa, Fugard rode first class on the trains. Mokae travelled behind in third class.

Born in Johannesburg, Mokae had no formal stage training. “You don’t have that in South Africa; it’s for white folk,” he said. Mokae left South Africa in 1962, going to London, where he considered himself an actor, and then to the US, working on and off Broadway, in regional theatre and in films and television.

In 1970, he starred off Broadway with Ruby Dee and James Earl Jones in the American premiere of Fugard’s Boesman and Lena and, in 1985, in a revival of The Blood Knot, sharing the stage with the playwright. Mokae received a Tony nomination in 1993 for his work in the Broadway production of The Song of Jacob Zulu by Tug Yourgrau.

In addition to his wife, Mokae is survived by a daughter and three grandchildren.

Born August 5, 1934; Died September 11, 2009.