. . it’s fair to say Scotland don’t exactly have fond memories of their last trip to Mombassa.

So it is understandable that they hope they won’t have to return to the city when they take on Kenya in the Intercontinental Cup. The match between leaders Scotland and the second-placed Kenyans was last night confirmed for January 25-28.

Cricket Scotland officials are still waiting to be told the venue, and it is likely to be Nairobi, but Euan McIntyre, the Cricket Scotland spokesman, has his concerns. “Kenya may feel they would have an advantage by taking it to Mombassa, where the heat and humidity would be tougher for our guys.”

The weather was only part of the problem in 2007, though. Glenn Rogers contracted typhoid while many other players caught a sickness bug. “We literally had players running from the field to go to the toilet,” McIntyre said.