THE wife of Darren Clarke, the Northern Irish golfer and Ryder Cup star, died yesterday after a lengthy struggle against cancer.

Heather Clarke, 39, had suffered a recurrence of breast cancer and died at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London in the early hours of the morning. She leaves two children: Tyrone, eight, and Conor, five.

Clarke, who pulled out of the golf circuit three weeks ago to care for his dying wife, said he would return to professional golf only when he "feels ready".

The Ulsterman, who is 38 today, said: "Heather's courage and bravery throughout the last two years when she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer has been an inspiration.

"Heather never complained once throughout her ordeal and we will all miss her greatly. She was a wonderful and enormously supportive wife, mother and friend."

Clarke, who is a well-liked and respected figure on the professional golf circuit, has missed a number of tournaments during recent months because of worry over his wife's condition.

Paul McGinley, his close friend and fellow golf professional, is playing in a tournament in the Netherlands at the moment. He said: "Our two families are very much intertwined. Obviously me and Darren out here, but Heather and Ali (McGinley's wife) were the best of friends and our kids are in the same class at school.

"It is a tough, tough time for us all. I have pulled out of next week's US PGA Championship to attend the funeral. You don't ever want to see anybody go, you always hold out hope right to the last minute. But, boy, she put up some battle. She put up some fight.

"It has been a tough ride for us all the past couple of years, but especially for Darren. He will have some issues to deal with now, but we will fully support him in any way we can."

Ian Woosnam, Ryder Cup captain, said: "All the players and the guys out here on tour have known that Heather has been struggling for a couple of years now and we all just feel very sorry for Darren and sorry for his family at this time."

George O'Grady, Executive Director of the European Tour, said: "Everyone connected with the tour will be immensely saddened by this news. We extend out deepest sympathy, our thoughts and our prayers to Darren, Tyrone and Conor and the families."

The flag at Dungannon Golf Club, County Tyrone, flew at half-mast yesterday. Clarke and his wife were honorary members of the club, but they lived in Sunningdale, Berkshire.

Sean Hughes, honorary secretary of the club, said: "Darren and his family have had a long association with this golf club.

He learned to play his golf here when he was a teenager.

"We are all truly saddened because she was a lovely, beautiful girl who supported Darren throughout her illness."

Ireland's first-ever staging of the Ryder Cup is just six weeks away, but Clarke, a member of the last four sides, is almost certainly not going to play. He is down in 30th place in the standings after missing a number of events to spend time with his wife.

Despite her worsening condition, he managed to produce some good golf this summer, just missing out on victory at the Irish Open and leading the Scottish Open before slipping back to fifth.