The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing has maintained that "new evidence" will exonerate him of any involvement in the bombing of Pan Am 103.

Abdelbaset Ali al Megrahi has promised that the information will be provided through his Scottish lawyers.

Posing for photographs with his family, Megrahi said: "If there is justice in the UK I would be acquitted or the verdict would be quashed because it was unsafe. There was a miscarriage of justice."

But he declined to say what that evidence was.

Tony Kelly, Megrahi's Scottish solicitor, confirmed his wish to have all the evidence gathered for Megrahi's now-scrapped appeal aired in public for the first time.

Mr Kelly said: "I think that releasing the information is something that he will do. "

He said the information included "documents, materials, evidence and reports".

Mr Kelly revealed he plans to visit Megrahi in Tripoli.

The convicted bomber, who is dying of cancer, has revealed a personal message for President Barack Obama.

Megrahi said: "He (Obama) knows I'm a very ill person. The only place I have to go is the hospital for medical treatment. I'm not interested in going anywhere else. Don't worry, Mr Obama - it's just three months."