The beginning of the end is nigh. Work on St Mirren's new home in the Greenhill Road area of Paisley is due to be completed by the end of November, writes Graeme Macpherson.

The 8000-seater stadium will then lie vacant for two months while St Mirren fulfil their commitments to the Scottish Premier League by welcoming each of their league opponents to Love Street for one last time.

While visiting supporters, and a host of pampered dignitaries, may not mourn the passing of the Main Stand, the warm glow of nostalgia has moved a group of St Mirren fans to create a lasting memory of the club's home since 1894.

"Love Street - the Movie" will receive its world premiere on Saturday and will go on general sale the same day.

The hour-long DVD documents St Mirren's fortunes at the stadium over the years and features contributions from Sir Alex Ferguson, the club's former manager, and illustrious Love Street figures from past and present, including Billy Abercromby, Tony Fitzpatrick and Campbell Money.

Doing all the hard work have been Allen McLaughlin, a BBC Scotland cameraman, and Steve Rowan, of Hammerhead TV, who have pieced together hours of footage and interviews to produce what they believe is a worthy tribute to the ground.

"We felt there should be something there for posterity so that in 20 years time people can show the DVD to their kids or grandkids and say This was Love Street'," Rowan told the Herald. "We hope it's an upbeat, nostalgic and humorous look at the club's time at the stadium. "Love Street - The Movie" is released on Saturday, November 1. Price £10.