A drunken footballer who was seen "driving like an idiot" before he killed two young boys has been jailed for seven years.

Luke McCormick had spent much of the night partying and was twice the drink drive limit when he smashed into a car carrying six people, killing brothers Ben and Arron Peak.

The former Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper was jailed for seven years and four months at Stoke Crown Court yesterday after pleading guilty to causing death by dangerous driving and drink-driving.

The boys' parents, Phil and Amanda Peak, said outside court they were pleased he had "decided to face up to the fact" he had caused the deaths of their only children.

But the couple, who are unable to have more children, expressed disappointment that he will be eligible for parole in three-and-a-half years.

The couple also said they found "offensive" comments in court about the effect the crash had on McCormick, who has seen a bereavement counsellor and suffers nightmares.

"He will restart his life when he is still a young man. Our sons will never experience the things Luke has had," they said.

Arron, 10, and Ben, eight, were travelling to Silverstone racetrack for a day out with their father and three friends when their Toyota Previa was hit by McCormick's Range Rover on the M6 in Staffordshire at 5.44am on June 7.

Police investigators estimated McCormick's Range Rover was travelling at about 97mph just before the crash.

Mr Peak, 37, from Partington in Manchester, was at the wheel of the Toyota and suffered serious injuries. He is in a wheelchair and may never recover.

McCormick, 25, was returning from former team-mate David Norris's wedding in Bolton when the crash happened.

McCormick was seen with his footballer friends drinking beer and downing shots of the spirit Sambuca at the wedding reception.

His lawyer told the court that, during the evening, he became upset when reminded of malicious comments about his fiancee Naomi Richardson's alleged infidelity on the social networking website Facebook.

Miss Richardson was by McCormick's side yesterday as he arrived at court to face a barrage of abuse from friends and relations of the Peak family.

John Jones, QC, defending, said on the night of the wedding a number of phone calls were exchanged between the goalkeeper and his fiancee regarding the allegations.

He disappeared at around 2am and slept for around two hours.

CCTV footage showed him leaving the Ramada Jarvis hotel at 4.32am. He ignored a telephone plea from his room-mate Paul Maxwell, a physiotherapist, to stop driving immediately.

Mr Maxwell said McCormick was "emotional and kept repeating himself during the conversation", prosecutor Robert Price said.

He added: "He kept saying he was going to get himself to Coventry."

The boys' mother sobbed loudly as the court heard details of the crash.

Witnesses described seeing clothing emerging from the vehicle after it was hit.

McCormick kept his head bowed and covered his face with his hand as it was revealed he told eyewitnesses at the scene: "I am so sorry, I'm sorry. I just fell asleep. I fell asleep, I'm sorry."

Prior to the collision, other motorists noticed McCormick "driving like an idiot" and estimated his speed at around 90mph.

McCormick was arrested after a positive roadside alcohol breath test. He told police: "I'm going to jail."

In a victim statement submitted to the judge, Mr and Mrs Peak, told how their lives had been "totally devastated" by the deaths of their football mad children, who were avid Manchester United supporters.

The couple said: "Our whole lives have been shattered all our hopes and dreams for the future have been taken away from us."

McCormick was also disqualified from driving for four years for causing death by dangerous driving.

Judge Glenn told McCormick: "There was no good reason why you couldn't have stayed in that hotel for a few more hours to get the rest you needed you chose not to do that."

He said that he had rejected advice not to drive and displayed "seriously culpable behaviour" by driving when he knew he needed to rest.

The judge acknowledged his behaviour was "out of character".

The former England youth international once had a potentially "glittering future", his lawyer said.

His contract with Argyle was ended by "mutual consent" a month after the crash.