It's once again time to shine a spotlight upon the country's finest family-owned firms in this year's Herald Scottish Family Business Awards.

The 12th Herald Scottish Family Business Awards in association with Business Gateway and sponsored by The Malcolm Group, Virgin Money and Strathclyde Business School, gets under way today, providing another opportunity to highlight the achievements of a crucial element of the Scottish economy.

This year 11 contested categories are up for grabs, while the event will again conclude with the presentation of an award for outstanding contribution, sponsored by Strathclyde Business School. This award, which will be selected by judges and is not open for entry, will recognise an individual or team which has made an outstanding contribution to a Scottish-headquartered family business.

The categories open for entry in this year’s competition are Commitment to the Community where judges will look for demonstration of strong community ties and active participation in community development; Customer Service Excellence will go to a business showcasing a customer-first approach that has led to high levels of satisfaction and loyalty; Fastest Growing Family Business Award - sponsored by Business Gateway will highlight the agility and strategic foresight that drives success; and Rural Family Business of the Year acknowledges the challenges of rural life for businesses whilst contributing to sustaining rural economies and communities.

Other categories include Green Family Business of the Year; Business Innovation Award; Next Generation Award; and Recognition Award. The final three awards, Scottish Family Business of the Year (micro) – sponsored by Business Gateway; Scottish Family Business of the Year (small/ medium) – sponsored by Virgin Money; Scottish Family Business of the Year (large) – sponsored by Malcolm Group, are looking for businesses that have achieved remarkable success, demonstrating strong leadership, growth, and a lasting impact on the Scottish economy relative to their business size.

Hugh Lightbody, chief officer of Business Gateway, said: “We are pleased to once again sponsor The Herald Family Business Awards, celebrating the remarkable contributions of family-owned enterprises across Scotland. Family businesses are the backbone of our economy, driving innovation, creating jobs, and fostering a strong sense of community.

“Their commitment to passing down knowledge and expertise through generations not only preserves valuable skills but also ensures the continuity of Scotland's rich business heritage. By supporting these awards, we recognise the vital role family businesses play in contributing to the growth of the economy.”

Andrew Malcolm of The Malcolm Group: “As a family business with over a century of history, the Malcolm Group is proud to sponsor The Herald Family Business Awards. We understand the dedication, perseverance, and passion required to sustain and grow a successful family-run company. Our journey has been shaped by these values, and we fully appreciate the unique challenges and rewards that come with being a family business.

“These awards celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit and hard work that are at the heart of every successful family business. We are honoured to recognise and support the outstanding achievements of these companies, which play a crucial role in driving our economy and enriching our communities."

David Henderson of Virgin Money said: “Virgin Money are delighted to continue our sponsorship of the Awards which recognise the achievements of this key segment of the Scottish economy. Family owned enterprises are the foundation stone of our communities, driving innovation, creating local employment and maintaining high standards of delivery through strong values based cultures. We look forward to playing our part in honouring the hard work of all the finalists and winners again this year.”

John Anderson, director of growth programmes at Strathclyde Business School, said: “As Scotland’s leading business school, Strathclyde Business School is committed to the development of family businesses and is delighted to be part of The Herald Scottish Family Business Awards once again – the highlight of the family business year.

“We use our experience as family business researchers and practitioners to inform economic policy and to provide practical, accessible and useful learning through our award winning Growth Advantage Programme and bespoke in-company programmes for the boards and leaders of family businesses.

“We believe that Scotland’s family businesses are the original responsible businesses and continue to be the real wealth creators in Scotland – creating employment and prosperity for our communities – and we are looking forward to celebrating their achievements once more.”

Entries can be made online at now until 6pm on Wednesday October 9 before the finalists are selected by a panel of expert judges in the middle of October. Finalists will be notified by the end of October, and the awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday November 28 at the Glasgow Marriott Hotel.

For more information on the awards please contact Alana Massie, Events Manager, on 07702807008.