Since ChatGPT launched almost one year ago, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown it can replicate and refine human conversations to an extraordinary level.  Look across any industry and you can see AI being put to work in Scotland. From AI being used in heart procedures to enlisting the technology to locate faults in the electricity network after storms.

AI degree courses are also popping up across the country, from Aberdeen to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Some people have even argued that this technology could be the most important invention since electricity.  There are around 240,000 Google news articles currently online about AI - with some even being   written with the aid of ChatGPT. Against this tide of information, businesses are looking to the Scottish and UK governments to help unlock both the technology’s efficiencies and productivity potential.

The CBI believes more widespread use of AI could add £38 billion to the UK’s Gross Value Added (GVA), with Goldman Sachs research suggesting an almost $7 trillion uplift worldwide.   Alongside this is a need to balance innovative AI entrepreneurship and effective AI adoption by Scottish businesses with a safe and secure environment, particularly in national security.  The Bletchley Declaration, signed by 28 countries at the UK Government’s AI Safety Summit earlier this month pledged to tackle the risks and marked impressive progress towards the event’s objectives.

The Prime Minister was joined at the event by US Vice President Kamala Harris, EC President Ursula von der Leyen, Wu Zhaohui, China’s Vice Minister of Science and Technology and Sam Altman, CEO of the OpenAI project that launched ChatGPT. X / Tesla owner Elon Musk also added some further interesting thoughts on how AI could impact employment more broadly. In terms of outcomes, the announcements of a new AI Safety Institute and AI Research Resource are potentially useful steps towards setting up institutions that will provide firms with clarity on AI’s potential and how they can deploy it. Similarly, the prospect of further summits represents another serious statement of intent as Scotland and the rest of the UK strives to be a global leader in AI.

  The Prime Minister said at the summit that traditional legislative measures will not be able to keep pace with such advanced developments. However, he said that AI firms would probably be required to make some binding commitments to AI model transparency, welcoming the decision by leading firms - including Meta, Google and OpenAI - to allow regulators the opportunity to vet their products before they are released.

Heading into 2024, CBI Scotland will be keen to see how the Government could support the technology adoption, including AI, by businesses as an important mechanism to tackle skills and labour shortages. Good AI adoption should improve people’s performance and boost productivity, not serve as way to replace valued skills and expertise. Putting in place easy-to-navigate rules that support businesses to effectively leverage this game changing tool can ensure AI remains a force for good. With the right approach, Scotland’s AI businesses community can be a world leader.

Tracy Black is Director of CBI Scotland