This article appears as part of the Editor's Pick newsletter.

Some of my favourite columnists are those who offer themselves to their readers.

Not only their views, of course, but stories and reflections from their lives. Tales about people they know, things to have happened to them, their hopes and fears, regrets perhaps, dreams. Honest and bold writing.

It is personal and most certainly not easy to do. But it is addictive for the reader, who finds common ground in the writer’s words, can recognise their own emotions in them, and carry what they have read (and felt) long after the sentences themselves have been absorbed.

Our columnist Dani Garavelli discussed this issue of self-reflection in her first piece for The Herald back in February, admitting that while she too is a fan of confessional writing, doing it herself – and therefore perhaps bringing her loved ones into the fold – leaves her torn.

“Sometimes, personal stories batter themselves against my skull, begging to be let out,” she wrote. “But then I consider my motivations and the possible repercussions, and it all begins to feel like too much of a risk.”

I am very proud of The Herald’s opinion section, and over the last year we have worked hard to ensure it is increasingly rich and varied, adding immensely talented writers like Garavelli to our team.

Today, my editor’s picks draw on the personal writing this team gives to you, our readers, and why I get so much satisfaction in publishing this content.

Read more:

Editor's PickCatherine Salmond: Sturgeon returns amid busy week in the Holyrood chamber

I will start with Daniella Theis, twice winner of Scottish Student Journalist of the Year, who joined our team at the start of the year to offer a younger voice to our audience.

Never shy of personal reflection, and always thought provoking and frank, Theis took on the subject of her mum this week, a woman she clashed with in her teenage years and believed she “never would be like”.

Beginning with a cardboard box in her dad’s loft, where she unearthed some childhood possessions, including a book of poems from her mum, Theis gave a beautiful and moving reflection on her maternal relationship and her own self-discovery.

“I was overwhelmed with how much her thoughts resembled mine,” wrote Theis. “The challenges depicted in these lines are ones I grappled with myself. Much of the book could have been written by me.”

The world of fast, hard news, 24-hour coverage and social media, can at times feel overwhelming. I am sure I am not alone in feeling the occasional need to slow down, step back, and reflect on the bigger issues in life. Writing like this from Theis is the perfect antidote.

Also writing on the topic of motherhood, but with contrasting speed and humour, our columnist, the award-winning author Kerry Hudson, made me smile many times on Wednesday.

Arguing in defence of Sophie Tucker in the high-profile celebrity divorce of her and her husband, singer Joe Jonas, she argued that mums deserve a break and a good night out from time to time.

The Herald:
Her piece came after it had emerged Tucker had been away from the country with work when the divorce was announced, leading to speculation of a partying lifestyle.

“Have you ever been on a mums’ night out? I mean "mumsy mums", the kind who puree their own baby food, are practically trained Montessori teachers and are already planning their toddler’s secondary education,” she wrote.

“I’ve been to more peaceful illegal raves than mums' nights out. And why not? These women have spent their week thinking only of their kids' needs. Doesn’t that mum deserve to get dressed up, have a drink, dance, get some deep-fried food and catch a taxi home singing to the radio?”

Funny, yes, but sincere in her defence of mums, the perception of those ‘bad mums’ who take the odd night off, and indeed the difference in ‘admiration’ often given to men for ‘babysitting’. Hudson also touches upon her own parenting and health in this thought-provoking piece.

Much like the worn-out mums out there (of which I know there are many), we all need a change of pace sometimes. I believe our opinion section offers our readers just that.

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Many thanks for your support,

Catherine Salmond