WELCOME to the September 2023 edition of The Herald’s Independent Schools magazine - read it for free by clicking here -  where we celebrate the indomitable spirit of our educational institutions in the face of an exceptionally challenging year. 

The cost of living crisis may have tested the resolve of students, teachers and parents, but it is with unwavering fortitude and steadfast focus on excellence that Scotland’s independent schools continue to shine.

In this issue, we delve into the heart of our school communities and explore a sport that has played a pivotal role in shaping character and values: rugby

With the 2023 Rugby World Cup about to get underway in France, we look at continuing significance of the sport within our independent schools and discuss how rugby’s lessons extend beyond the pitch and into the classroom – with the camaraderie, discipline, and determination fostered on the rugby field translating into personal growth, academic success and an ability to lead off it.

We hope you enjoy this celebration of Scotland’s independent schools as we highlight academic institutions where the pursuit of knowledge allied to character development remains at the forefront of their endeavours.

Read it here