Future imperfect

THE daughter of reader Claire Russell partied at Glasgow’s TRNSMT Festival during the weekend. After slugging a decent number of alcoholic beverages, one of her friends started to bemoan the harsh reality that she will soon be the grand old age of 24.

“Growing old’s an absolute nightmare,” she grumbled. “My looks will start to go soon, and I’ll have to rely on my personality to pull a guy.”

Street life

A DIARY scribe found himself in that most salubrious of venues, the Marks and Sparks mini market in Glasgow’s Central Station yesterday.

And who should he spy there? None other than Janet Street-Porter, fabled for her appearances on ITV’s Loose Women, where she delights her fellow presenters with honeyed tones and meekness of character.

In her downtime she’s also a lover of modern art, which perhaps explains why the convivial Diary correspondent yelled out: “Here for the Banksy exhibition, Janet?”

The delightful Ms S-P merely rolled her eyeballs and brushed past, imperiously.

In the world of journalism, this is known as a no-comment way of saying: “No comment.”

Sweet and lowdown

CONFUSED reader Sue Rushton says: “I’ve always wondered why honey doesn’t have more vitamin B.”

Moving gingerly

TOM Cruise has revealed he’s determined to continue filming the action-packed Mission Impossible movies, and doing his own stunts.

But surely, muses reader Vicky Butler, Tom, who is 61 years old, will eventually be forced to dial down the dynamic daring-doing as he limps and hobbles toward his twilight years.

Says Vicky: “I’m guessing the next blockbuster in the series will be called Mission Impossible: Push Yourself Up From The Sofa and Brew A Nice Cuppa, With a Couple of Ginger Snaps Thrown In For Good Measure.

Lordly literature

OUR inspired readers are tinkering with iconic works of fiction by adding a completely unnecessary word to book titles. Jim Gracie suggests a thrilling rewrite of William Golding’s classic novel about savage schoolboys running amok on a tropical island.

Instead, Jim would like tropics replaced by trousers in a book that would inevitably be called Lord of the Zip Flies.

The name game

MORE on books. Joe Biden has been visiting Rishi Sunak’s Downing Street gaff. Which inspires reader Rob Henderson to suggest a title if the American President ever decides to write his autobiography.

He says it should be called Biden: His Time.

Lupine laughs

A MADCAP medical malady. Reader Patrick Everett informed a nurse that he’d been bitten by a wolf.

“Where?” she asked.

“No,” replied Patrick. “Regular.”