Plans have been lodged to demolish a former pub next door to a recording studio and build 11 new homes.

The pub in Eyre Place in the Scottish capital has been closed since the pandemic began.

The applicant is Edinburgh-based Eyre Place Properties, with McLaren Murdoch & Hamilton as architect and agent.

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It states: “The site is formed of two properties on the north west side of Eyre Place, the former Smithies public house – a two storey building which has lain vacant since closing in March 2020 – and an area of vacant land in the ownership of City Of Edinburgh Council  that was previously occupied by two four storey residential tenement blocks until their demolition in the early 1980s

“The combined site sits between the New Town and Canonmills areas, just outside the New Town Conservation Area, and to the South of the Inverleith Conservation Area.

“The area is mixed use with both commercial and residential uses nearby. The site sits between a 19th century cottage to the south west, currently occupied by Banana Row Studios, and a four storey tenement to the North East.”

Pioneering Linn Products hails 'phenomenal' response

Linn Products, the pioneering Scottish hi-fi company, has lifted turnover amid the “phenomenal” response to products such as its flagship digital streamer and famed Sondek LP12 turntable, against a backdrop of supply chain upheaval.

The Eaglesham-based business, which was established by Ivor Tiefenbrun in Glasgow in 1973, reported sales of £22.7 million in the year ended September 30, up from £20.7m the previous time. But pre-tax profits dipped to £2.4m from £3.1m as costs and administrative expenses increased, accounts newly filed at Companies House show.

Scottish fiscal sustainability questions loom large

As trailed in one of my earlier articles, the Scottish Fiscal Commission (SFC) has just published Scotland’s first Fiscal Sustainability Report.

It highlights how, with rising costs of healthcare coupled with an increase in the average age of our population, demands on spending will run ahead of the funds available to government in the decades to come.

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