
By Alec Ross

The British Veterinary Association in Scotland has welcomed the new farm payment scheme announced by Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon as part of the Scottish Government’s post-Brexit future framework for sustainable agriculture.

Under the scheme, farmers and crofters who rear cattle and sheep will be able to claim a £250 payment for veterinary health and welfare interventions from this summer.

BVA Scotland president Romain Pizzi said: “The Scottish Government’s new farm payment scheme will support better livestock health and welfare in Scotland and provide opportunities for vets to further engage with farmers.”

Ms Gougeon said: “This period has seen some of the most challenging times the sector has faced, yet our farmers and crofters remain resilient, and I am determined to support them as we transition from the EU’s CAP Payment system to a support framework that realises our vision for Scotland as a global leader in sustainable agriculture."


C&D Auction Marts forwarded 6,061 prime hoggs and 5029 cast ewes & rams at Longtown on Thursday. Export grade hoggs traded well whilst heavier hoggs proved slightly harder to place. Top price per head was £168 for Texels shown by JR & CJ Ward, Whitstonehill, with Beltexes selling to 333p/kg from B Storey, New Hummerbecks.

Cast cows continued to sell at high rates and the sale topped at £1,406 for an Angus from TN Cavers & Co, Sorbie, with a top price per kilo of 206p for Luings from Kildalloig, Campbeltown.

C&D Auction Marts held its fortnightly sale of store cattle in Dumfries yesterday. 360 were sold and easily upheld recent trends. Bullocks sold to £1,670 for Charolais crosses from D Wilson & Son, Marwhirn and to 328p/kg for Limousin crosses from NW Littleson, Killegruer. Heifers sold to £1,600 for Charolais from TR & S Hyslop, West Lanegate and to 302p/kg for Limousins from Killegruer.

37 prime heifers sold at Carlisle yesterday averaged 269p/kg, down 21p on the week, while young bulls met strong demand to average 263p/kg, up 29p. Demand for cast dairy cows remained strong, selling to 240p/kg and an average of £169p/kg. Sheep vendors saw mixed fortunes with hogg prices averaging 237p/ kilo, a drop of 13p, but lowland ewes were again keenly sought after and averaged £98/head, a rise of £17.

Harrison & Hetherington sold 112 clean cattle, 60 cast cows, 1,065 prime hoggs and 374 cast sheep at Longtown. Bullocks averaged 290p/kg and sold to 330p/kg. Heifers averaged 284p/kg and sold to 330p/kg. Cast cows averaged 215p/kg per kg and sold to 255p/kg and £2,050/head. Hoggs averaged 226p per kilo (-13p on the week) or £105/head and sold to £159 for Texel hoggs. Cast sheep averaged £80/head and sold to £151 for Suffolk ewes.

Prime hoggets at Lanark yesterday averaged 226p/kg, a fall of 8p on the week. Top price per head was £149 or 313p/kg. Cast ewes averaged £78, a fall of £8 on the week. Top price was £240 for a Texel, while Blackface ewes sold to £81/head.