Chrissy Scott, the Managing Director of BeYonder Ltd, the Glasgow-based manufacturers of finished textile goods, called into the Go Radio Business Show with Hunter & Haughey, to ask, as a woman in business, for advice on how to tackle conscious and unconscious bias.

Ms Scott highlighted the fact many companies are constantly judged as being too small as a business for investment yet successfully outlive many bigger competitors.

She asked: “How do I make sure that not just myself, but other business owners, particularly women, don’t keep falling by this road?”

Sir Tom replied: “Willie and I are probably not qualified to answer this because we don’t know too much about it, but we’ve had some brilliant guests on the show.

“The lady who springs to mind immediately is the founder and CEO of Greenock-based PG Paper Company Poonam Gupta.

“Maybe we could put you in touch with her and chat about how she has got on building her own business and fighting these battles because she’s a real success and a real powerhouse.”

Lord Haughey added: “I’d also add Ana Stewart - the entrepreneur and investor who has been officially named the chair of Scotland’s Women in Enterprise Review – who is putting a paper together about this very subject and how female entrepreneurs can be helped and she will be coming on the show as a guest in the next few weeks.

“In terms of what conscious or unconscious bias that there may be, I have to say in all the deals Tom and myself have had, I haven’t seen that.

“But, if it’s there, then let’s certainly make sure that we get it taken away!”