February brings signs of renewal with snowdrops and daffodils beginning to emerge from their winter slumber. And as the days and green shoots lengthen, every single business in Scotland has fingers crossed that this month also signals the beginning of the end of the pandemic.

Scottish enterprise has faced significant challenges in the last two years, and there have been many commercial casualties.

As the country’s surviving business community begins to pick up the pieces, the national Productivity Club Scotland network has organised a one-day conference designed specifically to offer practical and inspirational support for that journey to recovery.

The Herald:

With its stellar list of guest speakers and extensive menu of practical workshops, innovative ideas and real-life business stories, the day-long FREE Productivity Matters conference aims to address some of the complex issues facing the commercial sector following a difficult time. With expert input, the day will also consider the challenges to productivity posed by Scotland’s unique geography and socio-economic diversity.

Eleonora Vanello, Productivity Club Scotland’s Programme Manager says the conference is a must-attend event for business.

The Herald:

“Our 3rd annual Productivity Matters conference is an opportunity for micro-small-medium organisations to come together in-person or online to network and to address business challenges. Our line-up of speakers will help delegates navigate new ways of working, understand data gathering, digital leadership and more. This fantastic event is FREE and we can’t wait to welcome members and guests.”

Productivity Matters boasts an impressive line-up of guest speakers including Nico Simeone, award-winning founder of the Six by Nico restaurant chain; Sean Duffy, CEO of the Wise Group; and Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy. Conference speakers will outline their approach to and vision for the post-pandemic business landscape.

Six by Nico’s Nico Simone is delighted to be sharing his business story at Productivity Matters 2022.

The Herald:

“The conference offers a great forum to share ideas and thoughts and to learn from business leaders on how they are adapting to new ways of working emerging from the pandemic. The hospitality sector has obviously suffered significantly though the last two years and the creative and entrepreneurial culture within Six by Nico has been essential to preserving the business. 

"The conference offers a great forum to come together and share thoughts and ideas as we all look to capitalise on new opportunities and recover from the challenges and uncertainties of the last couple of years.”

The experience and vision for the post-pandemic enterprise landscape shared by established business owners and enterprise experts will be complemented during the day by a series of practical workshops and case study sessions. For Eleonora Vanello, it’s essential that delegates have access to a broad range of topics and learning opportunities.

“We all know how badly the pandemic has affected Scotland’s business community, and for every Covid success story, there were many, many companies who really struggled to survive. As the recovery process begins, businesses not only need to find ways to get going again and to be productive and profit-making, but they also face the new challenges of digitisation, alternative ways of working and navigating the route to a net zero Scotland.”

The Herald:

The conference also aims to provide inspiration and ideas about how to improve productivity and business practices in the coming months and years. Eleanora Vanello outlines the variety on offer.

“The Productivity Matters conference is all about supporting recovery, but it’s also a way to look to the future. Our programme includes digital development and leadership sessions from Future Proof Learning and The Data Lab.

"We’ll discuss new ways of working and what legal and HR requirements must be considered, and we’ll hear from award-winning social enterprise The Circle about how they used employee engagement to develop a four day working week.

"Our enterprise experts will lend their expertise to develop our thinking about how best to boost productivity, and we’ll round the day off with a Slowing Down to Speed Up mindfulness session.”

  • The Productivity Matters conference will be held both online and in person for a limited number of places at the Royal Bank of Scotland Conference Centre in Edinburgh on THURSDAY 24 FEBRUARY from 9am-6pm. Attendance at the conference is FREE and everyone who’s interested in finding out more about the future of enterprise in Scotland is welcome to join, but Productivity Club Scotland urges early booking to avoid missing out. Click here to book a place.